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LULA 2022 - PT 13

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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. Now just put in an app and they'll be legally obligated to make you corp or some shit like that.
  2. BZ to @1thedoc , on top of gracing pyrgos HQ with your constant presence you now do the same on the CoC

  3. HBD @Headless here's to many more retarded adventures on cop.

  4. Damn, this sucks, o7 bruh
  5. https://imgur.com/a/Fj4Ar6S

    Leaked footage of SAPD getting ready to play cop

    Is joke plz no blacklist

    1. gaz


      they got them biggems in sapd

    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @gaz the girth gives them so much belt space they don't need a vest

  6. O7 @Strae the APD lost a good South American, tamo junto mermão 

  7. Freeze! Fashion police

    You have the right to remain fabulous

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13
    3. Masonn


      Just the way the belt is tbh


      Only scribbled out the patch because cba getting another forums ban 😞

    4. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @Masoooooooooon in the first draft the belt was white but I figured black would look better.

  8. Escape from Altis

    Coming soon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monks


      Designer Spolding + leaking staff info??

    3. vedalkenn


      those are getting dropped in the presaved loadout


    4. Lime
  9. Anyone who's textured the worn clothes willing to lend a hand?

    I'm working on some sick Tarkov themed skins but the sheer amount of hiddenconfigs for the texture means setobjecttexture isn't working.

    Any help is appreciated.

    1. Mako


      Something clothing objects aren't able to be textured and therefore might lead to additional issues when attempting to do so. If you can't texture a uniform on 0,1 of an array then you won't be able to texture that clothing. There are copies of the clothing that can be textured/retexs made by BI that possibly can be textured.

    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @Mako the IDAP version textures fine but uses a separate texture map to which I couldn't find the NOHQ or SMDI, sucks I guess.

      They were going to be BEAR and USEC uniforms but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

  10. O7, Ima sell all the shit you left in the house tho
  11. Community: the economy's fucked, we need a big money sink

    Staff: puts in a big money sink

    Community: WTF everyone's losing money!

  12. My commitment to ripping/banning vigis knows no bounds. You know who you are, shithead.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @paddock Chapter 9, section 7.2 of the server rules 

      "Vigilantes should never attempt to arrest an APD Detainee...do not run into an area and attempt to arrest someone the officer is dealing with."

      When someone is on a traffic stop (which the guy was) they are assumed/automatically detained and not free to leave, you saw a police car with lights on behind a vehicle with an officer approaching the person on foot, a clear cut traffic stop and still chose to intervene, you got the tase but by server rules you shouldn't have been there in the first place, literally breaking server rules that fit in less than 2 paragraphs, but I'm the "spastic retard" somehow.

    3. wshd



      2019 Sploding>2020Sploding 😿

  13. Lollapalooza is online and free this year. While they're replaying a lot of old performances tommorow at 10:30 Tom Morello from RATM is doing a live set. The full lineup is on their insta.

    1. swrvy


      who goes to lollapalooza for the music

    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @swervy the same type of guy who goes on pornhub to see if the stepsister gets unstuck.

  14. Unpopular opinion: cartel players hold a disproportionate amount of influence for their population size and are moving the server from "Light RP" to wasteland with worse gear and cops.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. NameIess


      This server is more cartel and cop sided then most and if u dont like that then leave 🙂

    3. NameIess


      9 hours ago, North__ said:

      Cartel players hold the amount of influence they do for a reason. Most of them are prominent active members within the community. And have a much wider point of view regarding Olympus then your small brain can comprehend unfortunately.

      +1 lmao


    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      dead server dead server dead server dead server dead server dead server  

  15. @corporals+

    I've been getting a bug where ejecting from the passenger seat of a ground vehicle will randomly load lethals, even killed someone by accident because of it.

    Has this happened to anyone else or could it just be something on my end.

    1. i bring out your insecurit

      i bring out your insecurit

      can confirm this almost lost us a fat paycheck earlier today. have seen other cops deal with it.

  16. If you can keep your sanity after 100+ hours of medic you've earned it, on god it feels like watching paint dry sometimes.
  17. I think it wouldn't be that bad all things considered, a bipartisan system with only two parties may end up giving a disproportionate amount of power, but @ThatNerdyGuy wants a system with multiple parties, and those always come bundled with runoff or ranked voting which drastically changes the meta. In 2016 about 55% of eligible voters actually went through with it, I have no doubts the choice being a turd sandwich or mouldy ham played a role, how many Republicans live in California but don't vote because their vote is worthless? How many Democrats in Texas? If there were multiple parties running how would that turnout be affected? You also need to recognize that many disenfranchised communities have their right to voting tampered with, like majority black and latino districts having one polling station while suburbs have multiple. If voting day was made into a federal holiday and everyone's right to vote was respected I think that it would lead to elections being more competitive than ever before. As for the presidential race, while the executive is important the house acts as a balance, the states still get their representation in the senate and republicans had a supermajority while Obama was in office, the house can form coalitions in a multi-party system and from 1888-2000 every Republican president had won the popular vote, so even without the EC Republicans have won in the past.
  18. Vigis already get automatic tasers, arrest powers, decent gear, relaxed engagement rules e.g. redzone camping or sending someone during shots. and free money for fighting. Giving them armored cars is not happening, if you want a hunter become a rebel.
  19. @Dicky Now that you finally came out you're getting promoted, we're looking for diversity hires in Corp+
  20. A short-ish set from a good dj (I'm in the crowd in one of the concerts in the intro) This song is what got me into house music This one's more of a chill deep-house set but Boris Brejcha is an absolute beast.
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