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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by eggmasta

  1. Alright, he's taken care of
  2. BW nerd
  3. lol i want what yall are smoking

  4. just send "marco" in the apd dispatch it's fail rp if he doesn't respond
  5. #freetyler

    sTaFf iS sO BiASed

  6. Lol, people stay salty over forum banter. Love to see it
  7. facts
  8. Bad at ArmA
  9. After over two years in Olympus and over a year on staff, I have decided to resign from staff (mostly because I don't really enjoy it compared to other things anymore). I plan on being around in TS and the forums a bit. I don't want to make a fat post, so here are a very select few @s: @Airborne Probably one of the biggest reasons I stayed as long as I did tbh, meet me at the round table @BenJI I've known you since we were PO's, you're still a PO (again), but whatever @hawk Stupid French Canadian, but a homie @Ares gl with Olympus @thor you're 2'10 @staff gl and keep up the work, ya'll need to get paid To those that I ever sought advice/opinions from, thanks. To anyone that I talked to/ chilled with on a consistent basis, ty for the good times and thanks for the memes, sorry I didn't leave an @. o7 Olympus, Eggman out.
  10. eggmasta


    Yeah, but i can edit your rep
  11. Step one: don't get blacklisted. ez
  12. I love cheaters

    1. x a n x

      x a n x

      ill buy you dune

    2. eggmasta


      5 minutes ago, x a n x said:

      ill buy you dune

      no thx dont want my face to end up as a puzzle on the internet

    3. x a n x

      x a n x

      u wont need to dox yourself mr @Eggman.
      I said ill buy it for you mate 

  13. @Grandma Gary Thank you for picking a profile song that "has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Outcast


      Used to be when Fluffyteddy went off on some support dude.

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      2 minutes ago, Outcast said:

      Used to be when Fulffyteddy went off on some support dude.


    4. sped


      i dont think my vid got taken down 

  14. @Ryan is just trying to keep all the redzone houses to himself... smh
  15. eggmasta


    You know you can pay @TheCmdrRex personally, im fairly certain he still accepts payment in the form of pizza
  16. Bruh how did you even manage to make a forums account?
  17. o7 to one of my og buddies
  18. eggmasta


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