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Everything posted by LiL J

  1. I really do think you suffer from some sort of autism.
  2. Happy birthday @falcon, you are still bad at fortnite :wub:

    1. falcon


      yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, anyways thank you <3

  3. o7 @jordan540



    and @Homicide come on man you were so close


    1. noah:)


      This application will be put on hold until it is reviewed by The Chief of Police. Thank you for your patience!

  4. s2 just blew up

  5. @Jesse When raiding a house as a PO. if someone has keys and the owner isnt online you cannot raid it. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      2 minutes ago, Destruct said:

      Do you have boltcutters? Dunno if they gave boltcutters to PO's

      Bolt cutters aren’t in the shop for PO’s

    3. Homicide


      naw its a winmdows key feature i believe


    4. thor


      Pretty sure you need boltcutters when the house owner isn't on.

  6. s2 just got nuked

  7. I wish i can get banned for 1 day for breaking NLR 3 times MonkaS

  8. I got a friend with 2x (2 crater), 1x (4crater)
  9. Selling 1x (4crater) 1x (3crater) pm me
  10. Yeah ... a mx taser ... not hard to get I’ll sell you them for 100k I got like 15
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