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Everything posted by LiL J

  1. I really do think you suffer from some sort of autism.
  2. Title reply below
  3. Happy birthday @falcon, you are still bad at fortnite :wub:

    1. falcon


      yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, anyways thank you <3

  4. o7 @jordan540



    and @Homicide come on man you were so close


    1. noah:)


      This application will be put on hold until it is reviewed by The Chief of Police. Thank you for your patience!

  5. s2 just blew up

  6. o7 wish you the best
  7. @Jesse When raiding a house as a PO. if someone has keys and the owner isnt online you cannot raid it. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      2 minutes ago, Destruct said:

      Do you have boltcutters? Dunno if they gave boltcutters to PO's

      Bolt cutters aren’t in the shop for PO’s

    3. Homicide


      naw its a winmdows key feature i believe


    4. thor


      Pretty sure you need boltcutters when the house owner isn't on.

  8. is the update the 6th or what
  9. s2 just got nuked

  10. Don’t buy he’s a scammer
  11. Cop beef, juicy thread
  12. I wish i can get banned for 1 day for breaking NLR 3 times MonkaS

  13. autismspeaks.org
  14. I got a friend with 2x (2 crater), 1x (4crater)
  15. Selling 1x (4crater) 1x (3crater) pm me
  16. Yeah ... a mx taser ... not hard to get I’ll sell you them for 100k I got like 15
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