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Olympus Entertainment 2024 Price Match & Black Friday Sales & $1000 Giveaway! ×


Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by monster

  1. is it just me or do i have 10-20 less frames and double the amount of stutters since the arma update?

    1. Skys


      just you and your potato pc 

    2. monster


      I defo didn't get 30 fps constant on a server with 40 people -_-

    3. Cale
  2. Does the invincibility inside casino only apply to the actual table such as the slot machine, roulette table, blackjack table etc, or do you have it in the actual casino building?
  3. Everything sold.
  4. If you log s1 ill sell it rn.
  5. he was gonna buy it but then i went to sleep and now he has no money
  6. ngl Hardcase was next to me in game and said he would buy it for 2mil, so i sold it on the spot. my b
  7. give me rank 5 inactive retard
  8. looking for around 2mil but hit me with an offer
  9. You can buy it from @Venomm since he bought it from me if i dont get a better offer ill sell it to you, trying to get like 2.5m for it ngl
  10. Not selling the lvl 5 since its already sold willing to do staff middleman
  11. i think the default spawn cloths look better.
  12. whoever thought apd 50 cal planes was a good idea should be fired.

    change my mind.

    1. Bloodmoon


      Civs have them as well.

    2. monster


      hold on let me reword it

      whoever thought 50 cal planes was a good idea should be fired

      change my mind.

    3. Millennium


      it was Bloodmoon's idea

  13. yooooo gang chat can be server wide group chat now!!!!

  14. i liked being a cancer patient gang member
  15. And in the words of @Skys and many others, jail is just a place.
  16. freak
  17. congrats @Venomm

    xvideos on top

    1. Venomm



      xvideos on top bb

  18. don't forget about the stolen car parts
  19. What sAPD member is gonna waste there time camping a house that 1, the person may or may not come online, or 2, may have absolutely nothing in it.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Slav


      Medics really be out here robbing you then having you pay for a revive.

    3. SPBojo


      48 minutes ago, Fiend said:

      Medics really be out here robbing you then having you pay for a revive.

      Gotta make money somehow 🤷‍♂️

    4. Noahhh!
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