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Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by monster

  1. @zoomzooooooom callin out chrisgg mid fed????
  2. Siege anyone? Silver 5

    1. buckie
    2. genesis
    3. genesis


      1 minute ago, Dealer said:

      u went 0-5 last game retard

      you got carried bot lool

  3. When you're banned from olympus and have nothing else to do


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cale


      Listen M0N5T3R, no one, not a single person, gives a flying fuck about you being banned. Maybe just don't vigi gang members right after you get off a perm :4head:

    3. Horizon
    4. N7Zero


      just meditate :4head:

  4. 10k per i got 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  5. i don't remember asking if anyone does
  6. monster

    oh Ye

    seems kinda gay
  7. my hole is deeper than yours
  8. -T- Greaseball -T- The Grinch was better
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