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Everything posted by Civak

  1. Sure, add me on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/civak
  2. o7 @Coffee You were a great supervisor :'(

  3. 1 maybe 2
  4. Bring them to S2 and I'll buy a bunch
  5. Please give storage crates a use again or something... Maybe so you'd be able to place a storage crate in a house, place items into the crate, "pack" the crate back up into a Y-menu item, bring it to another owned house (cross-server as well) and be able to "unpack" the crate? If killed while carrying the crate someone else could pick it up and place it along with the contents of it into their house. Just a thought.

    1. Coca
    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Would be cool to have something to transfer stuff between servers faster

  6. How much for each MX and each SPAR-16?
  7. That's not a problem, I'll be on way later today to come get them.
  8. 4.2m for the 21 MXMs
  9. I'm buying all cop tasers and looking to buy warpoint shop items too. Post here or PM me what you have and how much.
  10. >adds the P90 to BW
    >doesn't add it to whitelisted backpack cargo items on the server

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fusah


      Should be fixed now :p 

    3. Civak


      16 minutes ago, Fusah said:

      Should be fixed now :p 

      thx :b:

    4. SPBojo


      47 minutes ago, Fusah said:

      Should be fixed now :p 

      Im happy to hear that! SPBojo - Compensation Request #72629 :)

  11. @Peter Long Longer than an hour?? Btw just for confirmation, POs can pull SDARs?
  12. for those who haven't seen it yet: our boys in blue taking home the win


    1. SPBojo


      LOL What the heck? 

  13. Trump being the first President to officially announce the Space Force was a huge +1 for him and his legacy. Just look at how far we've come with technological advances. In a few decades we will have a need for such a branch. Like I said, he was smart announcing it even if it won't be established until many years later.
  14. I'll buy all 10 of the pilots, both SPAR-16S', and all 5 of the MX tasers. Which server is it all stored on?
  15. any1 looking to queue up for the new season on siege?

    1. Super_Nova


      What was your rank last season

  16. Civak

    Selling MAR-10

    Lethal or taser?
  17. @draMa Gotta 1 up you dog

  18. Considering the only part of the message that says who is initiating comes right after "Hands up or be gay" this should be completely invalid initiation in my eyes.
  19. dude said asylum as in the location in blackout, other dude started thinking about the other arma 3 community
  20. need a Blackout duo or squad hmu Civak#1591 <-- battlenet btw

  21. Back talking draMa, just delete his account
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