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Texture Designer
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Everything posted by maxg

  1. u should post a screenshot
  2. maxg

    S3 aint up yet? am i trippin?

    1. Mike Pence
    2. destruct


      Isn't it one more hour? Don't think they adjusted it for daylight savings time.

  3. i have a 0 crater on arms road pretty easy to drink a red gull and run to cap and pull a car and gear
  4. Just saying. im doing this if i get banned Fuck you @McDili
  5. maxg


    no one even liked you @Ignis JK o7
  6. fak dat dont even play that server
  7. 1 crater and 1.5 out from Pro shit for gathering @TrentSavage
  8. https://gyazo.com/5158ce84196c5d654fae0a98b87ed34d
  9. will sell for 800k dont need it https://gyazo.com/205edf9f454dec90c7a1ccbc4a6ae37b
  10. what scripts? ahks? walls @Xlax
  11. Happy Birthday Thanks for the Good Times in Cy6!

  12. https://gyazo.com/677223589aacaecb9bad7f166b2f783a s3 btw
  13. maxg


    off my thread nibba
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