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Status Updates posted by maxg

  1. Congratz @Jester glad to see support team going in a positive direction, @Rossco I'm glad to see you come to the idea :wub:

    @tacosmell congratz on senior bud

  2. I D O N T K N O W 

  3. Congratz @SillySalami on Corporal!!!

  4. its time for victor test

  5. @TheCmdrRex Happy Birthday! :wub:

    @Ryan happy birthday babe :wub:

    1. Ryan


      Thanks qt :wub:

  6. i didn't want a burnt turkey on my dick - @KGB JOSH 2k19

  7. Fucking Finally Good Shit Dawg

  8. @Strikke smells like dog meat

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strikke


      wow... what if i was gay? that's just plain offensive. :Kappa:



      btw I am correct about the Senior Support team thing. there is no need what so ever for more than say 2 sr support members. Literally the only thing you actually do is support team apps/interviews and kicking people who get banned or call people "nigger", "Retard" etc.. on the forums. easiest job i have ever had on olympus btw and i was pretty much ALONE while doing it :) 

    3. SPBojo


      Imagine needing more than 1 person to keep other people in check :4head::4head::4head::4head:

    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      3 hours ago, Strikke said:

      wow... what if i was gay? that's just plain offensive. :Kappa:



      btw I am correct about the Senior Support team thing. there is no need what so ever for more than say 2 sr support members. Literally the only thing you actually do is support team apps/interviews and kicking people who get banned or call people "nigger", "Retard" etc.. on the forums. easiest job i have ever had on olympus btw and i was pretty much ALONE while doing it :) 

      I mean I got denied for senior support and then got staff like a month later ;) 

  9. Im better than you @Jester



    Just saying they had 5 the whole game, kids left after getting smacked

  10. You know its sad boy hours when the only hatchbacks you have left are undercover :(

    1. Unjo


      It do be like that

    2. Montez


      damn, it really do be like that sometimes

  11. wtf happened while I was asleep lmao

    1. Oneforceone


      were u there when I got admin and chief? Yeah some hackers came on and gave a couple people admin including me.

    2. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      I hate saying it like this... but the normal

    3. Oneforceone


      Yep. Honestly not very surprised but its a huge issue.

  12. Sooooo…. @hawk for deputy?

  13. @hawk is a beta chef | Change My Mind

    1. hawk


      Beta senior support :3Nips:

    2. EricZ


      beta gay cus u denied my app 

    3. maxg


      21 minutes ago, hawk said:

      Beta senior support :3Nips:


      i see the notes you put, you lil nice guyyy 

  14. hey guys just buy a titan :Kappa:

    1. SPBojo


      Civ's did just that and look where that got us :Kappa:

  15. Congratz to my day 1 nibba @Cyanide and my boyfriend @Noodles:D

  16. @gaz gained weight from the corporal grind @Pledge

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gaz
    3. Rossco


      3 minutes ago, Pledge said:

      Dude needs to lose it. I run 3 miles ever day before I even log on Olympus.

      Image result for trump wrong

    4. Millennium


      3 minutes ago, Pledge said:

      Dude needs to lose it. I run 3 miles ever day before I even log on Olympus.

      @gaz eats 3 miles worth of food before even logging on Olympus

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