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Everything posted by Crenshaw

  1. Who in the DMV tryna cop some free ps5s when the election results come in?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Huge Kid

      Huge Kid

      ya man i need some black friends so i look like i fit in


    3. Jerrod
    4. Jerrod


      oh nvm i aint doin that trippin

  2. o7 you’re welcome for the sheets
  3. Its been a good one. Not making a long ass post. Finna tag a few niggas. @Sho-Time @raykazi @Cyanide @Dustin @LamarSee yall on the block my negros @Hurricane You a whale, but you my favorite whale @Strae @CocoisDead @Kedar See yall on the irl cartel @ChrisGG Thanks for giving me a shot at sapd sorry for couping you @billdroid @JuanDeaged gas station terrorist cell @Winters @thor @Zeuse Pass me your coin mate before i decamp on you @i chop hatchbacks my favorite retard, have fun gambling @Panda :) hi @buckie my favorite KKK member, pull up sometime @RnR I may have shot you guys and been a dick to 99% of medics, but deep down i still hate yall @sAPD no homo @all the niggas I forgot to @ thanks for being real ones, ill miss yall niggas. May you all be blessed by black jesus. @raykazi is the new head of the negro council, best of luck nigga
  4. hbd @Billeh

    1. Billeh







      boke ass nigga ran out of emotes

  5.  o7 @Kedar I’ll come visit your elevator

  6. Always out here stealin our culture, and they call us the robbers
  7. We need answers.
  8. Congrats @thor and @hurri... in mean @Mako

  9. Congrats @Iceman

    o7 @SecTranLive we were the best fto combo

  10. @Hurricane keep strong big man we are all here for you 🙏

  11. o7 in your memory I will RDM all the new players
  12. anyone here tryna play some koth?

    1. Huge Kid

      Huge Kid

      @evannnn dont talk to ma nigga like dat


    2. Crenshaw
  13. Hbd senior negro @raykazi

    1. raykazi


      thank you fellow negro

  14. I would drive it around, but some will complain it’s hard to tell the difference between cops and civs. Doesn’t matter imo APD is just a gang with tasers
  15. That black one do be lookin fire moe
  16. Yall niggas on some hoopla
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