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Everything posted by Theory

  1. I'm a god at this game, just won a solo eliminated like 3 squads
  2. Who's got an engagement message for everything, one big text I lost mine

    1. SPBojo


      Land // Pull Over // Dock your vehicle and // or surrender with your hands above your head and stay surrendered for 5 minutes or be Shot // Titaned by [Tree]

  3. How the hell do I get out of this dark theme, my eyes are hurting

    1. eggmasta


      we have been over this, get over it

  4. wait till he has his own kids
  6. you're leaving just put the shit on the side of the street with a free sign
  7. What are all the Y-inventory items in the game? Like Gold, Fish, Turtles, Epi's where can I find a list of all of them?
  8. Everyone congratulate @Ron It's his birthday C::petersnack:

  9. :petersnack:

    sorry long had to Photoshop that face, it made my day :) \_:)_/ MAKE THIS AN EMOJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    O R I G I N A L 


  10. royal got rook banged
  11. Give it to me and your money
  12. Can we get a cartel A&D going up for all the gang war participants C:?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Theory


      because I need this weird thing called money to buy a loadout, how weird is that.

    3. callumlol


      yeah your right you lose all your money because you're dog shit

    4. Theory


      I don't do runs, barley play cop, yeah it's because I'm dog shit lol

  13. how mucc
  14. Feels great when you catch a big bounty with your partner and better when you get hit off a minute later. <_<


  15. I mean almost everyone that Tree sacrifices is alright with it or goes along with it to the point where they think it might be funny and they don't report, but someone must have been t i l t e d to report them.
  16. R E A L I T Y F O R M E
  17. Arma Physics
  18. Yeah I believe they were removed, @Peter Long said they were on his Twitch but they really weren't, if it's still up then I think he can direct you to them, I would also like to watch a few of them.
  19. nothx
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