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Status Replies posted by -CK-

  1. "The greater our knowledge increases the more our ignorance unfolds." - John F. Kennedy

  2. @Parker R I love you very much but you are going to get smacked in MC just like in arma https://gyazo.com/43b1fcaae44ba8c12989bb2cae2a0ac9

  3. https://gyazo.com/f002c1ed8f06991228915b22a91eab07

    At a loss of words for this grown ass man holding beef with me still and shows how petty he is about it.... Like who the fuck would get banned for this 19 people said the same thing biased people will destroy this server man hate to see it.


    @Mr GOAT

    1. -CK-


      Completely missed the point @m o n s t e r. Hopefully one day your IQ will leave the 70s. Good luck buddy!

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  4. day 3 of no nicotine: i think i am addicted

  5. Imagine banning @MarveL for being Muslim. This community disappoints me.

    1. -CK-


      @F U L T Is this what you meant when you said "I know what you are, and I know what you do" shortly after @MarveL was informing support about his ban due to his religious identity.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  6. Imagine banning @MarveL for being Muslim. This community disappoints me.

    1. -CK-


      The Olympus Administration disgusts me with the whole, "if it's not white its not right" driven actions.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  7. I am baffled by the racism that the Olympus Entertainment Administration directs towards people of color. For example, previous civilian council member, Google, who is a black man has been oppressed and kept banned by the Olympus Staff for the sole reason that the color of his skin is black. #FreeGoogle 

    1. -CK-


      Its appalling that Google has to hide and be ashamed of the color of his skin out of fear of hate speech and racism from the Olympus Administration.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. ddosing cause losing to 5 people @Teamplayers @Tapatio gangs really gone down hill.

  9. ddosing cause losing to 5 people @Teamplayers @Tapatio gangs really gone down hill.

  10. ddosing cause losing to 5 people @Teamplayers @Tapatio gangs really gone down hill.

  11. ddosing cause losing to 5 people @Teamplayers @Tapatio gangs really gone down hill.

  12. ddosing cause losing to 5 people @Teamplayers @Tapatio gangs really gone down hill.

  13. OMG Dune cant be caught or traced they said

    Let me give you something real quick to hold

    Image result for here hold this L

    1. -CK-


      Dune got caught because it went public, it probably wouldn't have gotten detected by BE if it stayed private

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Watch out Teamplayers doesn't only scam people they now hit them off. Roach and Page have been in a ddos battle against each other. Apparently I'm a retard for calling them out on ddosing.

    If you've joined Teamplayers Teamspeak change your IP.

  15. Watch out Teamplayers doesn't only scam people they now hit them off. Roach and Page have been in a ddos battle against each other. Apparently I'm a retard for calling them out on ddosing.

    If you've joined Teamplayers Teamspeak change your IP.

  16. Red means dead


    1. -CK-


      UN Peacekeepers Brian and Arthur holding down weapons manufacturing in order to save the lives of the Altis people

  17. So It's been about a month and 9 days since Ares last post. Kinda forgot we even had an owner.

  18. I can believe I went from 1mil to 32m gambling. It’s crazy man I’m living the life now. Went from buying protectors to buying the whole rebel outpost. Not sure many can relate to the struggles I faced to get to where I am now.

    @-CK- big shoutout because you saw my come up. Always one id be wealthy one day!

  19. I can believe I went from 1mil to 32m gambling. It’s crazy man I’m living the life now. Went from buying protectors to buying the whole rebel outpost. Not sure many can relate to the struggles I faced to get to where I am now.

    @-CK- big shoutout because you saw my come up. Always one id be wealthy one day!

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