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SWAT Commander
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Everything posted by Lucien

  1. don't talk about my boyfriend like that you fucking virgin
  2. Happy Birthday fellow 20 year olds @Ryan @TheCmdrRex

  3. Breaking news asylum is covering up a pedophile staff member 





    Screenshot is between a transgender web dev staff member (Wolf) and a now-Admin member of the community

    1. Bloodmoon


      Asylum forums are absolute dogshit. That is all.

    2. Bag Of Funyuns

      Bag Of Funyuns

      Is it gay if a transgender sleeps with a girl or is it normal?

    3. Trimorphious


      wow what are the odds we have a trans web dev too

  4. Doxxer smh my head
  5. Lucien


    JG on top
  6. Haha yes coup sandman
  7. camping warzone, come join!

  8. ron out here w the truth
  9. Don't forget to look behind you the whole time when backing up stop if you want to check your mirrors
  10. can i buy some ips big man
  11. boonk gang
  12. Omg is that energy the best arma player of all time sign my steam
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