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SWAT Commander
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Everything posted by Lucien

  1. professional combat logger moment
  2. @ Lorax  practicing his vdm techniques in Microsoft Flight Sim for when he is unbanned


    1. lorax


      boutta catch a perm 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  3. PS5/PC launch exclusive

  4. who actually bans for nlr in kav 😤

    1. lorax


      yeah i hate nlr breakers 136a4c5f1faead2f2d6d93d297477e78.jpg

    2. lorax
  5. Sorry I'll buy you guys some Timmies to make up for it
  6. well ur canadian so
  7. Inside the average oddkast fan's apartment, house tour coming soon @ Lorax


  8. You are already used to using esp so you should be a master spectator
  9. As a spectator, ingame spectating was pretty dogshit ngl. Having more perspectives and someone more familiar with arma 3 spectator cam would have been better than deadpool's spectating. Sometimes he was focusing on boring stuff when there was action elsewhere for extended periods of time, as well as often leaving the arma 3 cam overlay open which is not a big deal, but kind of like watching a movie and having a cursor in the middle of the screen. Not a big deal but annoying. Additionally, time spent waiting between rounds could have been filled in by showing highlights from previous rounds from other perspectives that we might have missed on the main stream. I know this would prob require others with fast internet to upload the clips and be spectating in game, which may not be possible if you restrict it to staff members only ingame. Commentating wise, I feel like there was a lot of empty space that someone could have filled in to keep the spectators engaged. There was some times with no action ingame and the commentators were silent which was pretty boring. Maybe having some stuff preprepared to talk about, such as fun facts about the players in the current round. Ex. "Tom is currently driving around cap while waiting for his team to setup a push. Fun fact about Tom, he starred in a tiktok that was featured on Barstool a little while ago." (Just an example, first thing I could think of. Also not really a good fact without being more specific and indirectly doxxing Tom). Different or at least more cohesive commentating would also help, as when I was watching sometimes commentators in the teamspeak channel would talk over each other and not really bounce off each other. Chat wise was pretty weird. Near the beginning of the stream the chat was constantly spammed with shit and then near the end it was dead. The spam was fine for the most part but some guy got doxxed or something at one point. Might want to put it in slow mode or something just its easier for mods to delete shit like that. The channel mods did good tho, I know at least Jaster was in there doing work Also if there was a way to bet on the outcome that would be sick
  10. @ Lorax  congrats on your engagement!!!! can't wait to go to your wedding!!! 😍


  11. Lucien

    Oh Hello

    Yeah sure once you get dev on asylum and sneak an unban in for me btw I am a changed man!!!!!
  12. Lucien

    Oh Hello

  13. Desktop: Ryzen 3700x 32GB RAM GTX 1080 and 2.5TB of NVMe SSDs Laptop: i7 8750H 16GB RAM GTX 1050ti and 1TB NVMe SSD
  14. @ vedalkenn chill smh
  15. Happy 20th birthday 🎂 to my best 👌 friend 👯 and life 😂 partner @ Lorax . For your 👉➡ birthday, ✨ I got 😩 you a ⏰💰 subscription to 💦💰 the best 👌👌 game 🎮💻 ever, 💋 Wizard101, and I 🙋😍 also 👨 want to 💦😘 say something. 👤🤔 Ever 🖖 since 💦 I 🏻 met you 👵 in ➡ a ☠ Police 🔫🔫 Suport Channel 👌📺 in 👏👄 Asylum TS making fun 😉 of 👏🔥 french 🥖 canadians, I 👁👈 knew 🙈🙀 I 👁 was 🏻👍 in ⤵ love with 👏😡 you. We 👨 have ⭐ come so 💯💯 far in 🛌⚓ our lives 🌞 together, 👷👷 from abusing civ rights 😤 on 💡 cop to 💦💦 me killing your 🍆 irl 🅱🅱 friend 🏿 snapchat ❌ groupchats to 💦 roleplaying as the 🔎 Shekelstein jewish ✡✡ banker clan. I 😬👈 can't 🔫🔫 wait 🙅🙄 till we move ♂👊 forward ⏭ in 👏⏳ our ❤ relationship 👅👅 to ♂ the ⏩ next 📆😽 stage, when 💦 I 👤♂ come move 🏃🔛 into the 💍🔭 basement ⏬🏚 apartment with 👌 you and the shooter Kdog. I also ➕ want 🍑 to 🏼♀ say 🤐 how proud I am 👦 of 🌾 you for coming 😱 out 😮 as 😠 Asexual. It 😍 was 👏🤧 incredibly brave of you, and 👏 I 🗨 wish you 😩 a 💰 happy pride 🔫 month. Anyways, after 👀 all 🤷🦊 our 💰📇 time together, I 💕😻 just ❗ have one 👨 question. Will you 🏾 marry 👰🤵 me?














    Happy 💃 birthday 🎉 retard

    1. lorax


      thank you lucien, you're the best eboyfriend anyone could ever ask for!!!!


    2. Lucien


      Tell that to all the Wizard101 girls bro its hard out here Im down bad

  16. PPG on top what can I say
  17. Is this kid actually crying someone cheated in cs? Cheating in cs is like cheating in gtav
  18. They had it turned way down in the config for some reason
  19. +1 makes the mxm very viable
  20. @Ryan @PoptartRex I just hit the liquor store you boys make the voyage yet?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lucien


      @RAFA is ISO of SWEETHEART a mikes hard variety pack, a bottle of jameson black label, and some dr mcgillicuddy nips

    3. Rafa


      Just remember Rex, don’t meet girls in bars 😉 

      and those are some primo choices Lucien I hope you having a great night man 🙂 

    4. PoptartRex


      I got a gf so I’m gonna wing man my friends at the bars but those are some good choices  👌🏻

  21. Maybe switch to a ATX Mid Tower instead of a full - if you don't need the room inside (for lots of drives or a watercooling loop, etc), might as well not take up a bunch of space at your desk or whatever
  22. Happy birthday @Energyyy looking good for 152 years old

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