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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. Correct me if I’m wrong but can you not edit the damage values? or does that require mods
  2. Guys i found a bug in the new update how do I fix it

    1. Mako


      Just PM @ikiled making tickets is hard

  3. How many bullets in a mag and what caliber?
  4. so what are these daily events about

    1. -dante-


      Staff will be conducting events every day of the month. Majority will likely be minor such as RR or demo derby, but events nonetheless. 

    2. Bloodmoon


      Today's event is called "Who can give Bloodmoon 10 mil first?". If you are the first to send me 10 mil in game, then you win

  5. Opinion: money made from plane runs should go into your bank account. 

    Reason: I would have to go to an atm every time to secure my 40k profit. If I didn’t and just kept doing runs I will get camped at 1 of the airfields and die

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Viper


      @Deadpool shut your ass up I’ve been on that board for top 10 like 6 different times. I’m tryna help others, money isn’t a problem for me you fuckass now go get on your truck your cousins waiting. 

    3. DeadPool


      Mfw when you think I have a say in anything. I just gave my two cents. Plus you get on that board by card not processing. 

    4. Viper


      @Deadpool work smarter not harder. 

  6. i want a dp 23 house gotta budget of 2 mil pm me
  7. Definitely a screw up on taking medics tiny paychecks at feds
  8. It’s ur 970 most likely if not it’s arma being gay. Ur cpu doesn’t need to be overclocked as it will increase the difference in processing power which might affect arma or other games
  9. Doesn’t mean it can’t. He had a pretty outdated cpu so I would a expect an out date gpu. Instead he has a decent up to date gpu
  10. What’s ur ram and gpu. I have i5-7400 and 1050 ti and get 70 anywhere besides kavala
  11. Also arma is really weird where I get the same frames as purge but I only have a 1050 ti and i5-7400 ram also matters
  12. What’s ur gpu. Since ur cpu and gpu work together if one doesn’t work as good as the other they can’t get as much done. Kinda like that one person in a group project that doesn’t do anything
  13. Depends if your gpu will bottle neck. But if it doesn’t 30 frames in kavala to potentially 90 or more
  14. Definitely learn more about the server when on apd as well as you can make a lot more money on cop but you can also make way less, depends on the luck and time of day. Medic also has some no revives times though
  15. Fine you got me 975k
  16. this. If you let a hatchback push up to window, we have another problem.
  17. 500k
  18. Why doesn’t orgondo get rank 5
  19. Play on Ryan’s training server to have fun. 

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