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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. In school can’t check. Just asking
  2. Excellent update for the speed it was out nice job! but I must ask what does type-115 yielding max warpoints mean anf how much are hunters
  3. NokiaStrong


  4. NokiaStrong


    How you gonna get me back in the gang and leave? ps ur joking right?
  5. Congrats @ikiled

    1. ikiled


      thanks nokia.

      wheres that corporal at?

  6. 1 mil on meth. Btw boys mav saw the post so we have no chance
  7. Good for storage and psu if trust worthy companies. Cpu is bad gpu is bad
  8. lets get this bread

    1. Rossco


      Chill out snapchat boy

  9. Wow very uninformed
  10. Everyone like this post to get him under 1000 downvotes
  11. Poof into ur bank account
  12. Two main rotors compaired to one 2>1
  13. this is why oddcast looks so familiar 



    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Oddkast looks familiar because I raid meth lab on the regular 

  14. 500k
  15. Ti is gonna single handedly cause an apd buff

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