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Status Updates posted by GregoV1

  1. No way these fucks used 2 arma clips in their news video of Israel https://youtu.be/ZLbTnAqTPpU?si=v6NY6O578PTw1HzQ&t=202

    1. xsmitherz


      Is that an AEGIS black water? Hahaha

  2. @ Rexo Happy Birthday Cam, hopefully this birthday is dope and like cool or whatever.. Maybe I'll send you a carton of cigarettes to contribute to your vice. Anyway love you pal, stop being weird and get of the house more!

    Are you a short or long type of guy as well?

  3. ngl best streamer NA

    1. Monks


      Have you seen me

  4. people like this make people think gamers are idiots who jerk off at there computer and juul


  5. wtf I didn't get supervisor 😞 


    for real @Jonesy @gibgab @Overlord grats you guys

    @Secret Agent I forgot to say it but congrats my internet dad ❤️ 

    @GluxDesigns have fun in retirement and watching Stranger Things in peace without worrying about late skins from @kylef

  6. Fuck off dumb bitch

  7. @Slumberjack congrats on  a worth while promo.

    @Childish Thanks bean dad for the things you did for me ❤️

    @Richard fuck you

  8. The guy under me looks like a discount Tacosmell

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gaz
    3. Noodles:D


      Holy shit you're not kidding. It's like looking in one of those joke mirrors at those fun houses.

    4. Noahhh!
  9. 42399a99464e30384fd7a259f35d117e.png

    Another one bites the dust looks like you guys are getting a bit sloppy?

  10. Best Robber NA 


  11. zzzzzzzzzzz im snoring here


    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Monks


      grego isnt even good how could he be cheating

    3. Richard


      Grego can only get replies to status updates from staff.  Submit your appeals this way for best results I guess?

  12. Wow fun event guys! I’m happy I was there participating on medic... oh wait

    1. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      Free my homie Grego, the mans is at best capable of RDM and VDM. #FreeGrego

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