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Everything posted by Browny

  1. 4e859fa908c88ecf85d78804e1ed8a12.png

    ok ill come clean ive been using pulldowns ever since I came back, sorry for everybody who lost a kit when I killed you just cannot hack the mk1 recoil like back in the day 

    1. Tommy12


      Rip browny mush 

    2. Snake




    3. Skys


      pulldowns are cool my man 

  2. 9e11cd72f634bec999ddc3806949a3eb.png

    4th day in a row of making virgins cry

  3. ea3ab10c5392cf3d5a6053c2b05a4645.png

    @ Rexo im higher then you now you cheeky bastard pipe down and unban me

  4. just to clarify its not me on teamspeak as brownymush texting people the n word somebody is framing me just letting the admins know. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿☮️

    1. Tommy12


      Free browny mush 

    2. Xlax


      after seeing this I decided to ban you for the fun of it

  5. "I have to wear a snorkel half the time so I don't drown in bitches" Jesus Christ "snorkel" "drown in bitches" in the same sentence sums you up big lad
  6. @ Alpha and Omega @ The Sovereign 1 word, virgin
  7. just like the weeknd said, i dont need a bitch im what a bitch needs
  8. yeti spawned me in 3 ghawks with insurance, walt spawned me in 20 pcovs, xlax spawned me in 3 zafirs why do you think I always have one, mason revives me everytime I die and give me dope with his admin pannel
  9. bye mush
  10. @ Tyrone Darnell frick you cheater!
  11. happy birthday mush

  12. happy birthday gangster x ✡️

  13. This is pathetic, no offense sov but you go out of your way to complain about pointless shit, it's a tightly knitted community we are all just here to have fun on a game that is unfortunately dying. Once again you've been proven wrong and embarrassed yourself.
  14. Browny

    1 x AT Offroad

    500k and a vape
  15. Yes capslock king!
  16. @DeadPool Do I get warpoint for killing you even though you're in my gang as you are kos for a month Cya mate
  17. Nearly as dumb as you considering you used the wrong you’re
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