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Everything posted by Ang3l

  1. https://discord.gg/hxkGx38

    made a new discord if u were in my old one join this one if ya want.

  2. R6 ? G1+ 1.2+ add me Ang3l.Royal



  3. U smell like egirls. Msg me faggot

  4. Cards against humanity? Im drunk


  5. Anyone wanna play r6?

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Well of course but...I actually wanna win

    2. Ang3l




  6. ETA on chriss on stepping down after today?

    1. Civak


      can't u see he just made a power play so he can't get hit with a coup

  7. Dezree pt. 2. yikes




    I lied its worse

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ang3l


      Olympus what is u doinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn MonnkaS

    3. Linka


      She hasn’t lied about being lesbian w a dead wife yet

    4. Ang3l


      key word 'not yet'

  8. 52 minutes ago 

    After careful review of your appeal, it has been decided to remove the ban. In the future be sure to know and understand the rules so issues such as this do not happen again.

    -we back boys

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ang3l


      Buckie I fucked ur sister

    3. buckie


      Kekw I fucked ur whole family buddy 

    4. Ang3l


      I KILLED them all jokes on u

  9. @mods unban me

    @sinity hmu

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ang3l


      niggas banned cuz ikileds bias ass. wanna choke that skinny fucker lmfao. I been playin siege with boys

    3. Lou


      @Ang3l its all love retard you always were a lil bitch


      and im forced onto this alt 

    4. Ang3l


      prolly some random who got montaged, ur a weird ass nigga

  10. Well, I dont play much anymore so this is my goodbye post. Wanna @Jimmy00 and all the sinity boys for all the fun in the last couple of months. Also thank you to all of who didnt hate me for these past years. way to many to tag but u know who yu are. 

  11. whos got fingers and isnt mentally ill and  wanna play seige?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Elements


      my name is ElementsCok 

    3. Kamikaze


      angel is a bot dont play with him

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      20 minutes ago, Kamikaze said:

      angel is a bot dont play with him


  12. is it thometh is bad for you
  13. msg me on steam
  14. ur high kid 18k and u got a deal
  15. Selling 500 warpoints 20k each lmk
  16. Need someone to play ranked with.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Civak


      what's your uplay

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      I’m grounded LMAO. I’d carry you easy though 

    4. Ang3l
  17. connor woulda won if half of each round wasnt on the ground.

  18. @MAV Was there during ur last moments.... o7
  19. 70% packet loss while pressing windows key on dead people is not fun.
  20. theres this book i read a lot its called "Packets" By Gangplay
  21. eta on betting stats?

    1. Millennium


      never gonna happen XD, used to bet a while ago and suprised it never happened then i realised who cares

    2. MAV


      I'll give you a hint, they're fairly close to 50/50 :)

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