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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Strae

  1. Tfw you get kicked out of your gang because you arrested one of them.

    JGqITks.png @Phizx

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mozza182


      10 minutes ago, AstralC said:

      Because playing one faction 24/7 can get boring. You don't have to always play civ...... Plus being biased towards your "gang" and crashing the car, avoiding contact with them, or messing up on a ticket to stay in the gang is an absolute joke. 

      Im well aware that civ can get boring. Why cant you play on a server your gang isn't on? If youre going to be apart of a gang you should play with them and play cop when they aren't on or on a different server if they what they are doing isn't important. That's how serious gangs should be run and avoid having career cops cause having a gang full of career cops is how a gang dies ive seen it happen multiple times.

    3. Phizx


      @Mozza182 is completely right lol if the gangs on and doing something like feds/cartels no one should be on cop. But regardless I didn’t kick you nor did Matt, you let a member convince you that you were gonna get kicked and decided to leave 

      I wasn’t even on at all that day

    4. -dante-


      @Mozza182 Definitelt has nothing to do with a leader having brain cells. Just because you don’t agree with the alternative doesn’t mean it’s not logical. I’m not saying the logic to kick doesn’t make sense, I just do not agree with it and I never have. I agree if you’re in a gang and you play cop rather than civ during federal events and cartels when the whole gang is on that it becomes of an issue, but more on a reliability aspect. As for playing on cop when your gang is on the server casually robbing or doing runs.. I don’t agree with that being a problem. As long as they don’t intentionally use info from when they play on civ to intentionally catch you then they’re just another cop on the server tbh. 

  2. A casual clip i found funny

  3. Outplayed

    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      You didnt know they added that feature?

  4. Strae

    -30 IQ

    Just quit being a vigi and this wouldn't happen
  5. It's 2018 you never know
  6. Can someone help me initiate on female women, they keep saying we are not engaged.
  7. Stop, you are cyber-bullying me. ):
  8. Please don't make replies to my posts from now on.
  9. Tasers are okay i guess.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. arx


      This is one of those posts where you're not quite obnoxious enough to put a narcissistic title so you just put 'tasers are ok i guess' when in fact you just tased 3 randoms who probably have 600 hours between them and think you're hot shit.

    3. ItsGG


      1 hour ago, ArX said:

      This is one of those posts where you're not quite obnoxious enough to put a narcissistic title so you just put 'tasers are ok i guess' when in fact you just tased 3 randoms who probably have 600 hours between them and think you're hot shit.


      and why u hop back in to turn sirens on? They engaged you and shot at you....

    4. Strae


      2 hours ago, ArX said:

      This is one of those posts where you're not quite obnoxious enough to put a narcissistic title so you just put 'tasers are ok i guess' when in fact you just tased 3 randoms who probably have 600 hours between them and think you're hot shit.

      c h i l l

  10. apd wins again

  11. Atleast give me some credit

    Bought the spar on accident btw

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. monster


      gotta get that 5:3 TFT, that res is nutty

      16 minutes ago, Invu said:

      what res do you play on?


    3. Walsh Weep

      Walsh Weep

      I thought one of the bots i was playing with killed you so i stopped trying

  12. If he doesn't get it whenever he reaches his goal perm ban him gary
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwm
    3. Skys


      cardboard vest secretly lvl 8 armor 

    4. Vcx


      The game is shit, show me something i already didnt know

  13. Selling an armed quilin, no scam.


    1. KrispyK


      1 mil and proof

    2. monster


      i only have 49k can i buy it for that?

    3. Vcx
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