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Everything posted by Strae

  1. congrats @Jig spin time

  2. 589oqosfnjw41.jpg
    happy new years 2020 part 2

  3. ok BUT did someone say chernarus 😮

  4. Strae


    20th post about casino blacklist
  5. Congrats @Millennium and @Noodles:D good job!

    1. Millennium
    2. Noodles:D


      Ah yes thank you. I did get that position that you are obviously congratulating me on. Thanks.

  6. This is an important question need answers asap
  7. don't know if this is what you're talking about
  8. grats @Jig and @Cale both sss users undetected 2020 works for apd ranks 

  9. Happy birthday @Jig
    free subscription to sss for you

  10. but its arma 3 and kids tank .338 headshots with nothing but their skulls
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