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Everything posted by Revise

  1. false i said people can scrap ghawks for a lot of scrap, he mostly scrapped high tier gear / air drop vehicles.
  2. o7 coffee / tea man.
  3. sold pls remove post
  4. 7 mill
  5. o7 @ Fraali had fun with you in the DB days

  6. MW2 lobbies were the best
  7. cry more, maybe you should take those 5 days to go outside and enjoy the real world.
  8. no @ fuck u but o7 dude i know you have been wanting to peace for awhile so have fun roleplaying
  9. o7 dude, have fun chasing the black chicks
  10. damn all the 88 kids mad about the 50. cal changes what a surprise.
  11. Title
  12. Revise

    WTB warpoints

    Still WTB WP's
  13. Revise

    WTB warpoints

    you fuck ducks
  14. Title
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