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Blog Comments posted by Tyrone

  1. Civ Round Table 4/28/19

    10 hours ago, mohsen98 said:

    allowing vigis to buy epis at vigiout post

    The worst civilian council I've ever seen

     dismissal them from the civilian council they are so useless

    What's wrong with that. Also if you think our ideas are so bad, how about you give us some of your ideas or apply for the position. If you are concerned with buffs, then that is out of my control, as everyone on the council and staff want vigi nerfs. I have brought up several small buffs that were denied due to vigis being a bit too strong.

  2. Civ Rep Round Table 4/14/19

    4 minutes ago, Eased said:

    Right I understand that, but civ council basically killed salvage with the SDV update and now another nerf. It's going to turn into Vehicle Manufacturing - something nobody does (which is clearly the goal with the salvage updates). Might as well just remove it, replace it with another run all together. 

    If it's intentional to kill salvage, just do it and be done with it.

    People still want the run and it is good for newer players, but AFKing with no risk of being robbed should not make tons of money and be a high main source of income. 

  3. Civ Rep Round Table 4/14/19

    @Titimus @mohsen98

    To be fair we have brought up many vigi buffs and cosmetic buffs, sadly the buffs were shot down as of now due to vigi still being a little too op and implementing it would be hurtful for the civs as a whole. I realize people want vigi council to buff everything, but sadly it has to be put back a little. So slowly it is being brought back to being balanced. Vigis make millions a day (including myself) with little effort (Reading charges and straight to jail, people hate that). A lot of people complain about vigis being able to do this and a goal of ours is to changed that perspective. The goal with the tiers when it was first brought up, is that it should be more of a grind for what you make (this is why the arrests for sting was increased, as it was very easy to achieve). 90% is a whole lot more that cops even make, and should not be obtainable in a day and easily gained back by losing it. If you are a career vigi, you should not lose your license by doing illegal things, therefore there is such a high reward. Also to mention there is no money dump to vigi, dirt cheap loadouts and you make tons of money, so we brought it up a bit by 75k more, which is one arrest at tier 4. So the decision was to increase the gear a little. Yes the spar is a 5.56 and rebels get 7.62, but as of now it is broken with current tase script, if it becomes a lot harder with the fixed tase script then we could try to add a newer slightly better gun accordingly and lower the price of the spar. With my experience and so many others, we barely lose loadouts and get reved a lot of the time. As for the whole vigis nerfing themselves, its a group decision in these meetings, not all of us want it completely nerfed, but its for the best of the longevity of the server and thats our ultimate goal of the civ council.

  4. Just now, Jesse said:

    Correct. The content will be available to anyone who donates. It will be accumulative as well and in conjunction with our donation goal structure. So if you donate for the donor stuff you also are contributing towards the donation goal. If you donate to the donation goal you're also achieving progress towards donor stuff.

    sweet, I'm looking forward to this :) 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    It's in and ready to go. We just need to update playerids in our database. Malden is currently the focus though, as tonight is my last night off. Then I work the weekend. So rushing to get Malden done.

    Alright cool, its not for legacy donors right, anyone can donate for these things coming

  6. Yeah a house I had with 4 crates in a 4 crater, is now 928/400 max 4 crater if upgraded. Then if I go to 2 more of my other houses they are 900+/400. In total I have 2632 space taken up between 3 houses. Even if this was split between 5 different 4 craters it would not be enough room as it was before (Thats a max of 2000 total space). I found if people have mags for the guns they have stored, space gets eaten up quickly. Some can argue that just deleting the mags can help me, however the mags that I'm storing are mags for just for cop guns that you cannot buy. Just seems like some things don't add up with the old system. A way this could be fixed, is to increase space for each house, make mags and other small things half or next to nothing to store. Overall the new physical system is really cool and is a lot cleaner, however in my opinion needs a little adjustment with the values. Any counters/ feedback on this would be good thanks :).

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