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Trevor Lawrence MVP season

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Status Updates posted by Trevor Lawrence MVP season

  1. Bryce Young when he has to throw to 7th round picks and his entire O-line came from the CFL

    1. -dante-


      Bro is in a horrible spot but he’s also horrible. Dalton gonna pass for a couple hundy and a tuddy. Thielen was staying open yesterday. They should have let Bryce stay benched to begin with until he was ready 

    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      I’m not saying he’s great, but I always feel bad for dudes who get nothing and are expected to deliver everything. Especially when you trade everything up for him

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      Bryce was setup to fail, I just hope Andy doesn't do the thing where former players do well against Cincinnati when they play week 4.

  2. If @ milos inflated dev2 ego  isn’t unblacklisted from the APD IMMEDIATELY…I’m gonna have to step in

  3. How tf do I disable emotes

    1. Milo


      If you do ;keybinds or access the keybinds in your Y menu you can set the key to a different key of your choice or disable it entirely if you would like (although not sure why you'd wanna do that :D)

    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Because I have zoom in and zoom out binded to side mouse buttons which correspond with a number. So when I’m sprinting and press it I start emoting. Yesterday I did about 40 squats in front of an enemy gang member 

  4. @ -dante-  I still need to know the answer man. I’ll forever be in doubt 

    so does @ bummm

  5. This right here is my nigga

  6. Id also like to add that i'm currently driving a semi-truck with no brakes down the interstate going no less than 160+ MPH and my target is @ Fraali s apartment complex

    1. proud


      on behalf of the community please be successful we're begging

    2. DevanMF
  7. Im currently strapping 35 kilos worth of C4 explosive on the bedroom window of @ Ryan

  8. @ destruct  you are grounded until you are removed from that stupid arma 3 game staff you fucking lifeless loser

  9. On god fuck this Ian guy. Motherfucker took my fence, power, and water. A real scumbag

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. buckie


      @ Millennium's Step Father  u got front I got back let’s run this train CHOO CHOO

    3. Millennium


      You got bullied by a storm called IAN

    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      @ Millennium  and that’s about to be your new brothers name once me and Buckie turn your god loving mother into a Boston crème pastry 

  10. @ bummm  would you marry me? 💍🧎

    1. bummm



  11. Ain’t no way dabest died wtf

    that has to be cap 

    1. Exterminated


      Rest in Peace to our fallen soldier 

  12. Help me, I’m stuck 🤪 



















































































































































































































    @ Millennium

    1. Millennium


      You kinda left when you went to get milk so I can't really help you since idk where you are.

    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Im your step father not your actual dad you fucking moron. No wonder he left, youre hopeless

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