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Trevor Lawrence MVP season

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Everything posted by Trevor Lawrence MVP season

  1. I’ve never been more proud in my life @draMa congrats 

    1. drama


      There we go


    2. JAMIE
    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      @Jamie I won’t be proud of you until you get senior admin ;)

  2. I would post an icepick but im out of room in my attachments
  3. ce24e828af881367ceb76ed1f49f96e1.png

    I really wanna give a shoutout to a true hero #TheyDontAllWearCapes


    1. Evann


      his -1k rep will be missed.

  4. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/sputnik2102/#sort=order Honestly most things on my list are just here so I can get notifications if stuff goes on sale but anything that isnt a DLC (Not including arma DLCs, Would happily take one of those) I would be fine with
  5. @falcon The R&R has made a terrible mistake


  6. I’m 100% positive it had nothing to do with you. Honestly I’m pretty sure every time you complain about a staff member, they get a promotion
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