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Retired Coordinator
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Everything posted by Jonesy

  1. o7 my dude Was fun playing on medic with you, wish you all the best
  2. https://steamcommunity.com/id/JonesyHD/
  3. Jonesy

    o7 Rez

    o7 @Rezurect, Its been Fun Gonna Miss you
    1. Claysive


      I’m not going anywhere. Just retiring my senior R&R spot. I’ll still be around. 

    2. Jonesy


      Good always your always a laugh to play with 

  4. Is the donation system broken?

    1. Noodles:D


      Submit a donation support here https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/

      Make sure you click new request and under "Department" hit donation support fill it out they'll help you out.

    2. Jonesy


      already have, just wondering if anyone else is having an issue

  5. https://i.gyazo.com/0ee43263df1cb1c07d55b6615b741ecc.jpg
  6. o7 @Scribble, Don't be a stranger
  7. Congrats @Childish & @Coffee on getting Coordinator
    Well deserved 

  8. AMD Relive Or Plays.tv Should do the job
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