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Retired Coordinator
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Everything posted by Jonesy

  1. o7 @ Fraali , i appreciate all you have done for the server 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jonesy


      Not yet, Just Interior Contributor for now XD

    3. NokiaStrong


      Well we actually have a vacancy in the Senior Map Contributor position.  @ TapTap  can tell you how great it is. 

    4. TapTap


      Thanks Jonesy!

  2. Congrats @ Ruan Well Deserved

  3. o7 @ Fusionz , The R&R appreciate everything you have done, and wishes you all the best in the future 

  4. If you're having issues with medic not valuing their lives please Submit an IA, So we can deal with it. If we do not know its happening how are we meant to deal with it
    1. Noahhh!


      Thanks for helping me set up that Minecraft server a few months ago! It was fun while it lasted. Let me know if you need anything boss. It's been a good ride.

  5. Jonesy


    o7 mate, Best of luck in future endeavors
  6. o7 @ ThatNerdyGuy , did not see that coming

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Sometimes you just realize you've done the same thing for too long. That and that you want to see someone else get a shot at proving themselves. 

    2. Jonesy


      Well, hope to still see you around and shit

  7. Happy birthday mate, @ YakGod

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