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Papi Pods

R&R Medic
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Papi Pods last won the day on August 29 2019

Papi Pods had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Papi Pods

  • Birthday 08/28/2001

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. I feel like it would be hard to track who held cap the longest. Because when we did the cartel events based on time an admin was always there to track the time. Would you use a script? If this ended up working I think it should be gang funds as a reward, because we can’t use uniforms that you can’t buy in the rebel shop to load loadouts. As for the events based on who holds cap the longest I think this is a great idea and I enjoyed participating in these a lot and I would like to see them come back.
  2. I am now accepting donations to reinstate the mar-10 god to his former glory. Need a Dms mar-10 and supp

  3. o7 @LukeTheSup unfortunate it had to end that way...

  4. Papi Pods

    WTB stuff

    offer still stands
  5. Viper 5'6 170lbs, well fed Italian, bottomless bank account, stunning plane skills *needs a gofundme*
  6. o7 man I liked the work you did as a designer and I enjoyed playing with you in BW.
  7. That was probably the best episode of Game of Thrones

  8. I can middle man if you want
  9. gas station robber
  10. are you even allowed sell this since you won it?
  11. You are gonna need to rob some more gas stations to buy any suppressors.
  12. I like having my vigi for when fat asses piss me off I can piss them off
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