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John Wayne

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Everything posted by John Wayne

  1. Usual arma latency. I've seen guys just start floating in the air and become invincible. Your graphics were horrible to watch btw. But like you said in the vid, "your bank acc lookin real nice" Should be able to afford a new truck and a 40min run pretty easily. To put this into my perspective, my usual gear loadout cost more than you'd make in that entire run
  2. yessssssss bigger fed cuts on Friday night now
  3. Sunday afternoon.
  4. I did one with KS and REAL the other day. It was defused by a double hunter wave straight into dome.
  5. Great work out there guys. Any stats on civ roachers during feds?
  6. I feel like I could make a real profit from this... I got lotsa berets
  7. @DeadPool somewhat supports a controversial APD change and now has all sAPD at his back.
  8. I don't get how chris kyle declares from telos house that he's neutralized. Or that he just gets a free pass to walk over to a car and drive home across gate 1 What a shit update. Next update, gate 4 removed as it originally was, no jump spots.
  9. Cartels killed that. Nothing beat a good ole dp14 gas station fight.
  10. How many unique player id’s are saved in the database?

  11. “Bring the boiz back” oh wait
  12. Ares doesn’t need to do anything. That’s what the other 1000000 staff are for. He just needs to pay the bill.
  13. anyone want a free pack of Heineken?

  14. Look at all these career cops. Right out of the woodwork
  15. I was wondering who bought my garage. I had that for years for feds.
  16. Free or paid your still taking on the responsibility of the staff role and should be available. IMO if a mod bans someone then an admin should be able to appeal it. Same goes for admin to senior admin. And senior admin to owner.
  17. this shouldve been a 4/1/19 post removing RDM from rule book. youve lost your touch gary
  18. What’s the point of tipping if I haven’t even ate the food yet to know it’s good?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. PoptartRex


      The only instance of tipping before eating I can think of is getting carry out/to go. Definitely would never give a full tip in that instance. Maybe a dollar or two

    3. Corps


      I always tip, unless the server is straight trash. Whenever I order food tips are always a must for me 

    4. KrispyK


      Tip bc the owners dont pay people shit/ below minimum

  19. I wondered this to but I’m not part of vigi division so I never said anything. It helps my cause when scatting
  20. use those cop skills you learned
  21. Peter gave ownership to a guy who got PERMED - this is bullshit



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