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About Icy

APD Officer

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  1. if you were on cop back when you were a cpl and a 1m combat logged on you, you'd have expected them to turn themselves in too. even more so if the 1m logged out of a hunter you ended up catching in the end, so they would've caught you normally please stop acting all high and mighty when you would've done the exact same thing. it's not a good look lol
  2. anyone want an EOD tarkov account for $75

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Icy


      @ Louuu  im pretty sure that’s not what i asked

    3. Louuu


      @ Icy  Oh don't worry I wasn't answering your question. Down to 2 accounts just to let everyone know, get them while they're hot.

    4. CocoisDead
  3. imagine unironically having -400 rep
  4. crh hasn’t played oly in weeks... how often are you checking his profile?
  5. https://streamable.com/9kzf4w and before u say it i always eject out while the plane is moving and ive never had this issue before
  6. just got armad out of a plane and had to drive 5k to get my briefcase
  7. LETS GOOO @ Venomm  @ Cadenn  congrats!!

  8. they had a sting and you had a 130k bounty... i don't think they were even trying to steal your heli
  9. no
  10. take a hint 5head
  11. your logic is so flawed i’m now convinced you’re retarded
  12. croissant
  13. Icy


    1. Scribble
    2. silton


      cuts it when he says however. crazy

    3. Icy


      actually that’s just when i alt+f10’ed it, and he just gave some bullshit about how the staff decision was to give the point to SFA regardless of the rules, which were clearly in TP’s favor. but what would you know? you’re just a retard that plays arma all day. 

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