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Darren Nsonowa

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Everything posted by Darren Nsonowa

  1. @GluxDesigns



    Whats up with these prisoners having balenciagas while the APD have work boots

    1. Dicky


      cops need timbs 

    2. monster


      mans out here tryna to raid a house in his yeezys

    3. Darren Nsonowa

      Darren Nsonowa

      imma need these for my cop uniform. thanks in advance


  2. i want to win like a sami man
  3. hmm, 1.2mil
  4. >do weed run with suv >get 200k >bet a lot >ez 100 mil never do a run again
  5. ill also buy warpoints for em, but just put offers for the ones yall got
  6. bruh you a "this hill is bugged i swear" lookin ass
  7. alt-f4 emote yes
  8. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198182742070/
  9. MX SW, 2 mxm's some stings and like 2 MX's. hmu with an offer
  10. Ya know, I always have a way to explain things don't I?
  11. gimme 600 more hours and ill literally wipe you off of the entire ubisoft platform
  12. Ubisoft Skapern, added you bitchboy
  13. My vikings will fuck your shit up
  14. You mean I can't hotdrop people at bank as a medic anymore? Outrageous.
  15. yalls better get grego's Sr.R&R back before bodies drop

    smh my head 

    1. PJ.



  16. Why is invoicing for medics gone tho
  17. ETA on the next house flipper stream?

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Soon, maybe, maybe not

    2. Darren Nsonowa

      Darren Nsonowa

      hmm what if I say please

  18. Hmu with tasers and offers I would preferably MK-1 Mar-10 Any MX variant will also do. thx bby
  19. http://prntscr.com/oa69cb Wireless internet
  20. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198182742070/#sort=order
  21. uh, is the contact expansion going to be an actual DLC that this server can use?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1-800TryHards


      yes some of it 

    3. Darren Nsonowa

      Darren Nsonowa

      Will we have access to the one shotgun?

    4. GluxDesigns


      It will be like apex, it should work. We are on top of it for sure. And yes on shotgun, but well see when it comes out. 

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