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Everything posted by indian

  1. make getting the Downvote button back an option.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. indian


      DONT do this. Just a funny meme I had from my friend’s first weeks on the server. Unless you’re asking for a long VDM ban, keep away from running over anyone in restraints.

    3. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      would have done a passenger seat on them

    4. CorNfLower


      @Unjo No AT all the way

  2. uhh hello always available on steam bleezy ;)))))))))))
  3. it seems to me like height doesn’t mean shit but maybe it’s just that white chicks don’t like brown kids. cuz I’m 6 1 170
  4. indian


    april fools please
  5. indian

    Im back

    sir page British retard we must have a talk in teamspeak tomorrow
  6. love the focus on increasing frames
  7. I don’t even care anymore but this exact same shit happened to me a couple months ago to pledge and hawk sitting infront of my house for 2 hours
  8. ^ played asylum for close to a month and this was the first thing I got out of interactions with their whole police force, not only sAPD. Masta B or whatever the fuck his name is, is an actual fucking legend.
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