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Everything posted by Venomm

  1. Even worse when you have 3 gambling addicted corporals sitting in the casino and you get zerged with MX tazers @Regal @BENJI
  2. o7 man, enjoyed playing with you and @Bloodsport all the time in the middle of the night for me, making cop worth while. Sorry you think that getting corporal changed me. Have fun with shit irl, live easy lad.
  3. @MattRadd im sorry it was only joke 😞

  4. @Fraali is a professional businessman.

  5. Venomm

    WTS AT Offroad

    if (permed) then ["legal"];
  6. Congrats @MattRadd Mr. Matthias Radley, enjoy the lethals

  7. Congrats @Jig @Cale sss on top

  8. Congrats Mr. M.A. Adamu @Headless



  9. idk with what arma is as a game, assume its a tier 3, hope its a teir 4. Cant say much more than that.
  10. tier 3 + explosive resistance @destruct tier 4+ is BW/sAPD exclusive
  11. Thank you for your service to the APD mr minecraft man @SystemChips

  12. @Falco Thanks to your gracious donation, the bomos military has been able to expand their military budget by 5000%. Here we see Kyle Earkman and Timothy Sawyer preparing for battle in the Bomos Capitol. 20201030134340_1.jpg

    @Headless @Mudiwa 

    1. Mudiwa


      The canon was bought off somalin pirates and its to make sure @21Cabbage does not smuggle his child pornography onto our great island. It is manned by our best child soldiers at the ripe age of 7

  13. Happy birthday Defense attorney @Jig

    Also happy birthday chipmunk @RubberDuck 

  15. Congrats on Jr. Paintbrusher @sploding

    Also happy birthday @Panda smile

  16. profile song goes hard, good choice smurfboy

  17. anyone tryna buy a 3c on s1, full maxed out virtual upgrade and 400m from weed pro. 3.5m

  18. be real, no seniors checked for this.
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