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Everything posted by Venomm

  1. Happy Birthday #1 Gunhand fan @Grego

  2. Venomm


    o7 for real this time i guess
  3. o7 @xDRO, thanks for the fun memories of @Creepy and @Claysive and me getting shitfaced and slinging AT's on medic

  4. Venomm


    get off the forums
  5. we love you too much for that to happen
  6. #@FraaliBrokeIt #@TrimorphiousBrokeIt
  7. Venomm


    So your still putting in medic and civ council hours? doesn't sound like an o7 but ok.
  8. nah I like commentating squeak wars more, unless they went to gang wars...?? good ideas are coming.
  9. Had fun with this, would definitely look into doing more in the future. Thanks @Antonio for another great production A Few shoutouts too: @XOwenx's Coach - Coach @Skateezy @lukei Coach - Coach @Johnny Jerusalem @SummeDummkopf for keeping peace in the audience as the crowd got rowdy @lvy for flipping the crowd van you whale
  10. omw to steal all the hashbrowns from mcdonalds @Skateezy

    1. Monks


      Grab me a mcflurry pls

  11. Halloween bc i get laid
  12. A true certified get fucked moment if i've ever seen one.
  13. Lowkey i think these lucchese kids have a dent in their head

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