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Everything posted by Mudiwa

  1. Absolutely not salvage is zero risk and is priced like that for a reason.
  2. Common JAY W @ Fraali
  3. The guy is watching you outside in a surveillance van

    @ Rafa  @ Caden  @ Lime  @ Headless  @ ClapCheeks  @ Venomm  @ Mike Lit  

    1. Rafa


      Long live the caliphate 

    2. Millennium


      My club will always be superior

    3. ClapCheeks
  5. I want to be able to play from zimbabwe thank you
  6. I use a 10 year old logitech webcam for a mic just do that
  7. I wonder if I lifted @ XnavrasX  upside down whether I could cook eggs w the reflection of his head from the sun? Intrusive thought

    1. XnavrasX


      Depends, if I buff it prior for that extra shine, probably.

    2. Mudiwa


      Aw hell yeah man

  8. 696 rep, nice! funny number

  9. I'd rather watch two 1st graders go at it bare knuckle instead of two skinny pale monkeys taking five swings at each other before their hearts shut down from lack of cardio. But mako taking the dub fosho
  10. nav my brother in christ destruct just made a post about this
  11. Because of this amazing update, I can no longer use my armed prowler. Bid starting at 3,000,000 serious offers only plz
  12. it sure does
  13. rdmers will actually rdm regardless believe it or not. U think they have the mental aptitude to go past kav gun store lmao
  14. It wouldn't reduce runs at all, I feel, as ultimately, people need to pay off these debts and cartels are not very popular among the normal player base. But you have a solid point runs should be more incentivized and an increase in prices could help this
  15. when you declare bankruptcy, your debt is dropped, and the bank takes half your account value as margin for their investment in you. It only matters if you want to use the loan system again Here are some positive uses for everyone! not just rook timmys The guy who wants to buy that run house but can't quite get the money together at the moment Someone who wants to fight in a conquest or push cartels but is running low on funds momentarily any many many more
  16. Ultimately here’s how your situation goes. Guy gets fucked anyways, and quits the server loan or no loan. But the server is giving him a option to be unfucked with some risk that he knows. I mean he is taking out a loan no one’s forcing him. Wouldn’t it be better to have that option then not?
  17. I’m quite well off. This is aimed to new players and those who had some bad luck and are thinking of not playing anymore. Gives them an alternative to just leaving Well it’s a loan? Of course has to pay it off. He’s paying for a service facilitated by a bank for capital that didn’t exist. What’s 120k compared to the 360k+ he can make anyways. Offers people an option other than poverty and betting black at the casino Also u have a warped perception on runs 100%. Not everyone is getting robbed always id say there is about a 25% chance of being robbed depending on what your actually doing
  18. Not free, bank takes the money back from you no matter what.
  19. Warrants are so gay what if I'm a schizo and don't even have a social security card?
  20. I came up with these ideas while applying to civ council runs and wondered what everyone else thought of them. It could benefit new and old players while positively stimulating the economy. A new credit system would allow you to take out a certain amount of money and pay a specific interest rate depending on how long you plan to pay it off. Mortgages could allow you to buy a house with some or no money down with interest rates depending on how long you will pay off the house and your bank credit. The system will be intricate yet easy to understand and balanced, so money isn't just being printed. It is risky, as it should be so keep that in mind. Example for a loan (casino/gambling disabled after taking out a loan, one loan at a time): Rook banger Timmy wants to buy a truck to run some peaches but got his kidney stolen by @ Caden and his shoes jacked by @ Xlax . So he goes to the bank in neo and takes out a 100k loan with a 20% interest rate because that's the only amount he can get with his new line of credit. If he pays it back within 24 hours with the 20% interest, his credit goes higher for the following loan he takes out (72 hours cooldown); the same if he pays it back after 72 hours, yet at a higher interest rate of 30% and fewer points being added. So ultimately, Timmy is happy he got some capital to get his peaches, and he improved his credit score to get bigger loans in the future if he wants..... But if Timmy gets rolled on by Cob with that juicy new box truck of his and can't pay it back after a week. The bank takes half his money (whatever that amount may be), and he needs to pay the amount back in full by next week, or his credit score keeps going down (-10 points each day late after a week). He has two weeks to pay back the loan and must declare bankruptcy. A player can only take loans out again once that loan is paid off 5x the amount. People's bank accounts wouldn't go negative, but they can float very low and near zero. Loan amounts/rates: 100k (500-600 credit): 20% on 24-hour loans, 30% on 72-hour loans, and 40% on one-week loans. 500k (600-700 credit): 17.5% on 24-hour loans, 25% on 72-hour loans, and 30% on one-week loans. 1M (700-750): 15% on 24-hour loans, 20% on 72-hour loans, and 25% on one-week loans. 2.5M (750-800): 12.5% on 24-hour loans, 15% on 72-hour loans, and 20% on one-week loans. 5M (800+): 10% on 24-hour loans, 12.5% on 72-hour loans, and 15% on one-week loans. POINTS 24hr loan paid back = +20 points (100k) +30 points (500k) +40 points (1M) + 50 points (2.5M) +60 points (5m) 72hr loan paid back = +10 points (100k) + 20 points (500k) +30 points (1M) + 40 points (2.5m) + 50 points (5m) 1 Week loan paid back 5 points (100k) + 10 points (500k) + 15 points (1M) + 20 points (2.5M) + 35 points (5M)
  21. Bomos island will pay you in full
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