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Everything posted by RogueMK

  1. well, well, well... this place is still going lol xD how many OG's are still here?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Ahh, the bi annual @RogueMK "this place is still here?" post.

    3. Raine


      None they all moved on, Arma is dying:(

    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      75/150 on Saturday. Bit yikers times around olympus 

  2. So ive now got a beast laptop the HP OMEN i7-9750H with a gtx 1660ti but i feel like im downgrading it to fuck by downloading arma on it xD!! NGL missed the aids this community used to make lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. arx


      Rogue Gamer

    3. RogueMK


      @John Wayne my monitor is 144hz but only 1080p, but that's more than enough for what I need on a laptop lol. This thing outdoes my pc that I had lmao.

      There was an option to go rtx but price difference was £200 and what they benchmarked was merely 5fps difference on a few games... so I thought save myself that 200 and put it towards upgrading the ram as it's only 8GB defo needs to go 16gb 

  3. Geez this community is still going!? What's new then? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. hawk


      @Mustache Im confused why did you @ me, and HOLY SHIT ITS MUSTACHE HOWS IT GOING

    3. darn fool

      darn fool

      @hawk " he's waiting on the fall like a hawk"

    4. hawk


      @Mustache Ah ok was making sure you didn't think he was @ing me lmao

  4. Never played this game so thought I'd give it a go as heard it's a great game, gunna stream it abit aswell,

    Last of Us Remastered. 


  5. Imagine crying about a promotion on a dead game lmao. Ngl I do miss all the memes that go on here, is it too late to bring the popcorn out or people still bitching? Notifications set to alert! xD

    1. -dante-


      Drama is pretty much dying now. Until the next thing that happens 

  6. *Update*

    I have now access to the Ghost Recon Breakpoint NDA test, this is a confidential tester with strict NDA rules, my pc is fucked so I've got access on ps4 instead, i have 3 friends i can add into it so if interested send me your ps4 names or add Rogue_MK_ 

    Set to start this friday

    1. Vcx


      And goes through till Monday 

  7. Just been invited to the ghost recon break point technical test, it's a closed NDA confidential release tester, I can invite 3 other ppl, who's interested to play? Strictly now streaming or video captures allowed, opens this friday for weekend. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Vcx


      They don't do codes, when they sent me the email saying its under strict NDA and stuff liek that they give you 3 players to invite with you to the tech test and you have to be on said persons uplay friends list to be invited to it @Jimmy Jarvis

    3. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      you wanna invite me? @Vac.

    4. Vcx


      Just now, Jimmy Jarvis said:

      you wanna invite me? @Vac.

      uhhh i just used all my invites so sorry, otherwise i would've 

  8. Why'd you block my status, that shit was getting spicy Haha.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryan


      40+ notifications over night = lord fucking shoot me in the head

    3. MAV


      Lol true, you should make a post the contain the spice ;)... Was fun to real lmao

    4. Drippp


      Reviving beef on this status

  9. Damn this community still going?! What's the latest drama?? 

    1. Show previous comments  71 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT


      HE GOT ME!!!

    3. Ryan


      Alright I’m tired of the notifications, doing everyone here a favor and locking this shit :) 

  10. So hows the wonderful life of Olympus going?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jopple123


      its pretty good. The server is stronger then ever. I cant wait for whats to come :)

  11. Am I needed to come out of retirement lmao xD
  12. Division 2 is now released for the ultimate edition :)


  13. Watch a noob get rekt xD


  14. Finally got that affilliate status :D



  15. solo queuing xD what couldnt go wrong!!

  16. Doors too OP in APEX!!!

  17. Playin Apex Legends


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