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Everything posted by Clashingtin

  1. o7 @ Noahhh! had fun watching the series where you invterviewed people on the server 

    1. Noahhh!


      Yessir, those interviews were really fun. I wish that I would had time to do more man.

  2. idk why we having a debate bagged milk is clearly better
  3. Happy birthday @ Strae :) and @ notsodank for coming just out the wound 

  4. is it a bird is it a plane no its a sui bomber 

    1. Maddox


      love how it cuts out right as he hits the ground

  5. happy birthday @ destruct

    Still waiting to get my 3mil bounty back sir

  6. it was a blast getting yelled at by you  and playing with you hope everything goes well

  7. happy birthday reevise didnt know they made a skin for u in rust tho


  8. https://www.twitch.tv/clashby

    playing cop

    ps Sr apd dont blacklist me

  9. congrats everyone on the promotions

  10. idk how u did it so fast man but GOODJOB ❤️
    @ Winters

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      He gives the good SUCC

  11. Clashingtin

    o7 v2

    even tho you never got to kiss my dogs goodnight or tuck them in take care man Love you
  12. Clashingtin


    whos gonna fix the server now with the only active map designer
  13. Clashingtin


    wow how could you man Hate to see you go
  14. I was told you couldnt report people off streams but I could be wrong
  15. happy birthday @ drama
    Hope you get hit by the short bus 🙂

    1. drama


      Pocket hacker squeaker ❤️ Appreciate you

    2. Clashingtin


      always saving u and ryan from the cops u shitters

  16. unknown.png

    Who made this huh

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Martinezzz


      the crack of freeedom

    3. monster


      @ Martinezzz  its a pretty legendary crack when you get a kill through it too 🙂

    4. Monks


      @ Martinezzz pleaaaassee we both know the true crack of freedom 😉

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