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Everything posted by Grizzly

  1. The return of the legends!!!!!! @ Iceman next?!?! Welcome back guys. Maybe the APD isn't doomed after all 🤔

  2. Congratulations @ Milo !!!!!!

    1. Milo


      Thank you so much 🙂❤️!!

  3. O7 @ hawk 🥺 thanks for always being to one to break the discord roles for me

    1. hawk


      Glad I was able to help you by fucking up the discord server roles!! 😀

  4. Oh you can sell cop gear but if I try it's always "wtf are you stupid" and "we are gonna blacklist you" but it's okay for you to do it, got it
  5. Lmao yeah thatd suck, fun fact that im proud of tho out of every Sr RnR member I have the 3rd most amount of flight test completed I'm only 26 test from #1 which is held by Lime, Also 20 from #2 which is help by @ Scribble
  6. I mean yeah if another Sr medic joins the test nothing we can do it's not like we can say gtfo to another Sr medic lmao. But again we don't message all Sr RnR that we are doing a flight test because I do enough of them by myself I'll be dammed if I'm sitting in on one and not getting any credit for it they get boring after the first 50 you do trust me
  7. I can 10000000% guarantee that no Sr brings their friends into the channels to watch, we don't even let Pararescue's sit in while we do it. Now if other Sr's join to watch or spectate there is nothing we can do about that as they have every right to do so, but no one other than Sr's are in the channel/heli while the test is going on
  8. The flight test was updated by @ Diamond and myself not too long ago, it has really been down graded in difficulty. The old one average time for medics to complete was around 17-20mins with the new one the longest flight test I have given was 18mins. The new average time is somewhere between 11-15mins its a lot more simpler now tho, as for the test @ Camper did it awhile ago and it's about the same difficulty.
  9. Congratulations to @ JDC on Supervisor!!!! 

  10. 231b7af6ef680fcb9e043f51aa797a51.png Told to post it or I was a beta by @ Ryan

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. NokiaStrong


      Hey grizzly, great work and nice meme!

      Keep up the good work!


    3. Lea


      But you are beta... 

    4. Frato


      doing tricks on it

  11. Page 10 les goooo reminds me of the good ole @ Mako vs Goat days tbh
  12. Congratulations @ Diamond !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13.  @ Zeuse ?????

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. -dante-


      @ Skys  


      Let my man rizz his e girls. We all here for a good time 😌

    3. Grizzly


      Fr @ Dante they praying on my downfall 😤 

    4. Skys
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