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Everything posted by Robinhood

  1. Welcome! If you'd like some information on becoming a vigilante, i'm more than happy to help There's a handy dandy guide down below.
  2. @Grego sure but lemme see a video... of him crying
  3. wait, wait, wait.... he was on cop?!?!? what a coward @Ryan
  4. people who are voting for ihop have never been to a waffle house
  5. my goldfish died, i needed time to find myself.
  6. Vigilantes are in full affect mr. ryan. We are the only trustworthy group of people left in this land. I bode you well in your escape... but it wont be enough.
  7. Hello my fellow vigilantes! It has come to my attention that our arch nemesis, @Ryan still has it out for us. His first purge was a remarkable display of disorganization and disappointment. A second purge only proves how strong we really are. Nobody will ever come between us and our mission, ridding the streets of criminals while making millions in the process. As we lay in our ocean of riches reminiscing on the days where a spar-16 taser was obtainable at 25 arrests, remember this. We as a people are what make this land proud and true. We worked long and hard to obtain the current social status that comes with being a vigilante. With this said, on the day of the purge i want one thing, and one thing only... RYAN The vigilante that sends this unlawful, crooked, good for nothing SKAT to jail will not only receive a payout of 5 million dollars but take claim of a brand new hunter! I know you will do me proud on this day, now rise my children. For us vigilantes to prevail through these difficult times. We are in record numbers, and nobody can stop us... not even peter.
  8. GO ON MY CHILDREN! Fight for what is right. Remember our morals and fight with honor on this day. I love you all.
  9. time zones dakota.. time zones
  10. shoutout hadi
  11. Allah here knows a lot about that
  12. the APD is a joke. Cause they're the ones that need a buff.
  13. Robinhood


    u..u...u... dont like me?
    1. GregoV1


      I heard "hands up or die."

    2. Ryan


      Clearly he gave warning shots!

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Actually you are all wrong. This man needs to be demoted as they were 3-1ing him and he started clapping cheeks o7

  14. any mx simulator boys out there?

  15. Very glad to see that Blackwater has become a vigi gang. Happy to have you guys on our side!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Robinhood


      @Namca at least i dont try and backstab people who helped me.

    3. Ziggyuwu


      @Robinhood Do you actually want to talk about this or are we just gonna sit here and shit talk each other like fucking children?

    4. Ronin


      14 hours ago, Namca said:

      @Robinhood Do you actually want to talk about this or are we just gonna sit here and shit talk each other like fucking children?

      clearly children since that's the route you took.  fuck off

  16. this hurts.
  17. been a successful night tonight. 8 arrests and 5 mil so far. fuck vigis.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. silton
    3. Ryan



      fuck vigis.

      Finally for the first time I can agree with you on something!

    4. Robinhood
  18. @SPBojo who tf... in kav????
  19. true vigilantes shall prevail 

  20. Alright pal if I was home to play I would tase ya again and again and again...
  21. calm down
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