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Bongo Bongo Bongo

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Everything posted by Bongo Bongo Bongo

  1. you steal my 30m and quit wow
  2. o7 brotha
  3. 606919C615FA26355BE54A31D69457960FA3B56B

    n1 R&R

    1. Millennium


      looks like someones gonna be checking logs

  4. We need downvotes
  5. Server 2 ha irreverent *irrelevant
  6. o7ing on a roleplay server
  7. I think @Ares should be more involved in the community. He should be helping people in support, posting on forums, interacting with the community more.
  8. Get rid of up voting and bring back down voting. Then everyone’s rep would be negative and nobody would give a shit.
  9. Why don't we get rid of up voting and bring back down voting? Then everyone's rep would be negative and nobody would give a shit.

    1. Google
    2. zoomzooooooom


      this is the only website that senior r&r go on because they dont have facebook friends or instagram followers and cant fathom the pure idea of being disliked in a community for a military simulator roleplay server. like literally imagine yelling and crying about your internet points and being that much of a shut in.

  10. https://gyazo.com/da65ccb2e59988ef4b9dc2cfe13101b0 post offers
  11. Didn't see. You want to lock/delete this post?
  12. Now the community can not worry about dislikes and post what they think! REMOVE VIGIS!!!! And nobody can downvote me for saying it!!!!
  13. Everyone like the post
  14. That was on the market a few days ago. Was going to buy but didn't have enough money
  15. I got 3
  16. selling for 4.2 mil
  17. When are times gathered for Medic?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      If I don’t make this weeks time will I be removed?

    3. Richard


      Removal is dependent on 2 weeks performance.

    4. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      I have submitted an absence report, should I notify someone or just leave it to be?

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