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Everything posted by Monks

  1. "I would love to play the game, but the screen is blacker than slavery." Lmaoooooooooooooooooooo
  2. Hbd best mod @Headless

    1. Geo


      Back already? Quickest o7

    2. Monks


      Just stopping by @Geo 🙂

  3. ppl tryna force me to stay bruhhhhhhhhh ion wanna pull a thor
  4. Ngl my reason for this is kinda petty but oh well. I enjoy progression in everything i do, the ability to get better, and not be doing the same thing over and over again every day with nothing to come out of it. To be honest that mindset isn't working out for me on Olympus anymore. Don't get me wrong I love this server and wish to see it live and grow for years to come. I have had some of the most memorable friends of my life on this server and won't forget them. It also helped me escape from a very bad and deep part of my life a while back. I'm gonna @ a few people who made my experience on the server so memorable. @Weenieboi You dont play anymore but you one of the OG's, was fun playing with you @Venoooom We always had a love - hate relationship but you were cool @Mason Harrison rich motherfucker @Hurricane The father i never had @rabid everyone talks shit about you but you were a cool guy @CocoisDead My favorite mexican @Cale @Jig Squeaker squad on top, hope we can still play craft occasionally @Strae One of the better LT's tbh @Zeuse Never could fully understand you but it was fun to play cop with you m8 @1thedoc One of the good ones. Stay out of prison for me will you? @Fraali Best dev ongggggggggggg @Headless Crazy what your doing for the server, keep it up big man, also thanks for always believing in me @Noahhh! You gonna get far in this community, i just know it @Grandma Gary You told the entirety of s2 that my dick was small. Pedophile smh @Ryan You doing the server good so far. Don't fuck it up @Montez you weird but ily @Cooper:P Sorry bout what happened... If anyone takes anything from this, LEAVE HIM ALONE. It was a joke and yall are overreacting @SystemChips Your so innocent tbh, nice change of pace from the rest of this community lol @SuWooP Maybe you can turn the civ council thing around huh? GL @Dicky GL mate you can do it @Soulz Tree Soulz was best Soulz @SPBojo You funny lmaoo @Skys fuck u hater lol @m o n s t e r Was fun playing with you, once you get unpermed STAY THAT WAY OK?? @Silton Stay away buddy... @Regal @Kedar @Millennium Thx for giving me a shot at support team, you a rat tho kedar @ThatNerdyGuy One of the best admins, GL on chief man @Brolaf 2-3 is normal buddy @bioshock12391 better now? I probably missed some and if i remember ill @ you in the replys. None the less o7 guys, might stop around teamspeak some but im gonna miss this community
  5. Well shit I guess we are trying this again... 
    for some good content and fun times

    1. Noahhh!


      You streamed for 1 minute? :papega:

    2. Monks


      its back up u monkey had some technical difficulties

    3. Noahhh!


      lol fair enough

  6. Wayyyyyyy to much drama on Olympus today. Anyone got some good stuff to say?

  7. She mah lil boo thing
  8. Don't make me do it.
  9. @YaBoiNate https://streamable.com/goz9ch
    1. Venomm


      how you gonna be out here hating on the nigga chief justice angus bruh

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      You will be held in contempt of court.

  10. Hbd mega brony @DashTonic

    And hbd to u @destruct

    1. destruct


      Thank you Monks! Appreciate it!

  11. pffft wii remotes are 2 ez i use the good ole gamecube nintendo Donkey kong bongo drums https://www.google.com/shopping/product/10890173173114824274?q=donkey+kong+bongos&safe=strict&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS913US913&sxsrf=ALeKk00os82nySvbNejfkP8A66rqVc_NMQ:1598450293005&biw=1920&bih=937&prds=epd:9284185277983544518,prmr:1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjy0q-wg7nrAhVOMt8KHcxSCv0Q8wII4AM
  12. Hbd to one of the last 2 Lts @Mita

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