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Brookss last won the day on October 3 2021

Brookss had the most liked content!

About Brookss

  • Birthday 09/04/1999

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. congrats ! @ Xlax  ill be there with you soon dw :))))))))))))))))))))

  2. deleted my montage 😞 they dont wanna see me winning !

  3. From the man himself. Someone with a brain ! @ Fraali
  4. Old man ego ! I wonder when they will start focusing on making the server better and banning people who are actually cheating... but hey man Won't stop till the servers dead all the cheaters are gone !
  5. call the server dead and my post gets removed... bidens america 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. syndrome


      @ YaBoiNate im almost certain @ ThatNerdyGuy is like 30 y/o and he still lives with his parents hahaha 

    3. Tobubas


      nigga just stop appealing and go get yourself some pussy

    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      @ YaBoiNate  @ syndrome  rent free living in both your heads.


      I’m closer to 20 than 30 btw. 

  6. Good god that breathing screams diabetic.
    1. proud


      he downvotes all ur things then gets that pedo smirk on his face🤣 fucking reject

    2. Farrel


      Kid is a loser man does the same to me 

  7. Only criticism is getting the weirdo that said "bloodier than a highschool girl" tf off the commentating. Oly pedo ring really showing.
  8. can not believe they let this guy run gw ahahahhahahah

    1. Maddox


      dont talk shit about my favorite guy 

  9. Brookss


    you forgot to @ me as the gamer word . ill miss you country boy
  10. Brookss

    o7 v2

    will be missed imma keep that soundboard forever. o7 homie
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