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Everything posted by Paved

  1. So you must have 5 cops on to start the bank, but when you are almost done with it and cops log out because they get absolutely shit on, you can't open the vault because you still need "5 cops on." What the fuck is up with that?

  2. So..... when are the admins going to clean up the olympus stats page of the banned accounts that are on the leader boards

    1. WALT
    2. Strikke


      Probably after a lot of other shit that are more important. Stats page pretty much has an importance level of -100 because it doesn't affect gameplay or anything that actually matter.

    3. Hoonter


      9 hours ago, Strikke said:

      Probably after a lot of other shit that are more important. Stats page pretty much has an importance level of -100 because it doesn't affect gameplay or anything that actually matter.

      Donation page on the other hand

  3. Paved

    Good run

    You should pipe down...... https://i.gyazo.com/a5f3975e7f736a732e5ea8f88318edd9.mp4
  4. NOOOOOOO not the cheating accusations
  5. Marvel is like 40 years old and lives off of welfare, of course the old fuck would scam you bud
  6. DP 21, DP 22, DP 23, preferably. Send me a message
  7. Anyone know who owns this garage? Trying to get perm keys for the garage if you're the owner
  8. PM me a screenshot and asking price and we can negotiate.
  9. I will pay more than him ^ hmu
  10. Paved


    Nice one dribbler!
  11. lmfao you lispy little retard, you still fucking sucked
  12. What gangs actively do federal events and fight cops?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      Federal Event Specialists

    3. indian


      A bunch of gangs join DB in doing feds

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