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Everything posted by Brandyn

  1. Congratulations Bagged Milk! @ Caden

  2. Do you like helping new players out? Helping them learn more about Olympus? Join the Support Team!

    We are currently looking for members who meet all the requirements below:

    If you are interested in joining, take some time to read everything we do as a Team.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. xanx


      Do you like helping teens who have no idea what they're doing with their life argue who VDM'd who in a specific situation and who owes who money? Join the Support Team! Join the Support Team! Join the Support Team!

    3. buckie


      @ xanx  it’s worse than that

    4. CaloomClark
  3. Congrats on Official Lego Builder @ Zeuse

    1. Zeuse


      Th-thanks man!!!

  4. Selling DP 22 3 crater Moonshine house for 3.5 (Fully upgraded Virtual Inventory) PM me if interested
  5. Nothing better than protecting Civ's doing some oil. Glad we were able to help you guys out!https://gyazo.com/a6e905b536b710c59cef7f87421b2890

  6. Congratulations @ Aceee  good shit!

    keep up the good work 

  7. two. one on your bed and the other in the freezer so you can get that Antarctic effect.
  8. Happy birthday Cap Cap! @ TapTap

    1. TapTap


      Thank you BrayDYN!

  9. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @ Aceee


  10. Happy birthday !@ King

    Just ran a red Light going 60 in a 30 don't arrest me

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