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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Odin

  1. Odin


    Oh you know, just livin life.
  2. Odin

    Thanks Bae ;)

    1. DashTonic


      Your not dead??

    2. Odin


      I can't be killed, only temporarily banished.

  3. Brought this up with the staff a long while back, was an instant and resounding NO. Completely possible though, virtual items that can be used to create a physical item be it weapons, clothing, cars, helis.
  4. Well everyone, the time as unfortunately come where I will be taking my leave from Olympus. Over the past year and a half, I have watched Olympus go up and down from a dusty diamond, to a crown jewel, to a mud covered stone and back again. However, over the past few months, the level of desire to administer and develop here has basically gone. So with that said, good luck to DJ and Poseidon with development. Hopefully the recent issues can be resolved quickly and the features planned for the future can be implemented without issue. Good luck to the current staff, Gary, Tman, Peter, Gidgit and Devil. May your time with tickets be short and easy. To the Olympus Community, good luck in general.
  5. Quit necroing threads.
  6. I'D ASSUME you'd haul ass to a piece of cover, then wait for a second to return fire and use whatever you're hiding behind as a brace against to steady your shots. Unless you're simply returning fire to return fire to give yourself and your squad more time to figure out where the assault is coming from, in which case your weapon not being steady doesn't matter.
  7. Gang Wars 2 coverage will be brought to you by Peter Long. http://www.twitch.tv/sirpeterlong

  8. Because of how Arma processes sounds, unfortunately this isn't possible.
  9. A quick fix has been implemented intended to solve minor issues with the siren change that was implemented with the last update. Also being fixed is the fabled Ice Cream Truck. This truck was not intended to be purchasable by everyone and as such, has been restricted to the proper party(s). If you purchased an Ice Cream Truck, you will have 7-days to either sell the truck or change the skin via the Truck Service Station. Failure to do so may result in the truck being removed from your garage without comp.
  10. Can also message me directly and I'll take care of it for you.
  11. "An" only applies when the trailing word begins with a vowel or sounds like they begin with a vowel. As an aside, we all know Dustin uses his ass to type, so it's highly expected that everything he "says" is shit.
  12. Ice cream truck wasn't intended for EVERYONE to use and will be restricted soon. So if you have one, I suggest you sell it before I push the hotfix.
  13. As many of you know, version 7.03 was officially released this past Friday (11/20/15) and contained a few bugs which to say the least, were irritating to play with. This weekend was dedicated to fixing what we could with a few minor updates that were not able to be included in 7.03's original release. The following have been implemented and will take effect on the next server restart: Bug Fixes: MX 3GL is now able to properly switch between lethal and tazer rounds. Teargas effects have been disabled for the time being. Performance issues regarding how players were effected once fired prompted this. The grenades will remain available, however they are regular smoke grenades at this time. Lights and sirens for the APD Zamak should work properly now. Updates: Sirens for both APD and R&R have been updated to make them more distinct. Wail Sirens have been renamed to Primary Sirens. Yelp Sirens have been renamed to Secondary Sirens. Primary and Secondary Sirens may NOT be used at the same time. Players must disable one to use the other. APD and Medics now have access to a custom "horn" which may be used while in the driver position by pressing "G". "Rank Tags" above APD players properly reflect ranks as shown in TeamSpeak. New Additions: "Rank Tags" have been added for R&R. Note that CURRENTLY, these tags follow the same scheme as the APD. BE SURE TO CHECK WHO YOU'RE SHOOTING AT. Rank specific uniforms have been added for R&R ranks Search & Rescue, Air Responder and Coordinator. Missing virtual icons have been added for the following items: Browiser Fireworks Organic Burgers Cupcakes Not a big update like everyone is hoping for but be assured that the development and designer teams are working diligently to get what the community desires. Odin Out.
  14. As many know, update 7.03 for our Altis Life servers was pushed for use on the servers. Due to a technical issue, implementation of the update was postponed. After working with Poseidon, the issue has been resolved and should allow the servers to update to version 7.03 upon their next scheduled restart. We apologize for the delay in getting out these new features and bug fixes. For more info on what version 7.03 entails, please refer to the following Dev Blog.
  15. The update should have rolled out last night but it seems there is a glitch in the update system we have in place. I'll be messaging Poseidon today to see if we can get it sorted quickly.
  16. It's like the concept of a typo has been forgotten...
  17. Here we are again everyone, welcome to Olympus' Altis Life version 7.03. This update has brought a few undisclosed bugs as well as the following additions and modifications. General Changes: Teargas has been added to the servers, identified by Orange Smoke. Certain equipment is capable of mitigating the effects of Teargas, which are broken into a Physical effect and a Visual effect. To make things interesting, what protects from teargas will not be revealed at this time. APD Changes: New Equipment: Corporals and above now have access to the 6.5mm MX 3GL. Corporals and above now have access to 3GL launch 40mm Orange Teargas grenades. Equipment Updates: Sergeants will again have the ability to purchase both standard and improved uniforms. Deputies and above now have access to masks allowing protection against deployed Teargas. Uniforms have been redesigned, moving them away from the former gray/black/white. Vehicle Updates: Corporals and higher now have access to the Covered Zamak. Access to the Hellcat has been limited to Dep. Chief and above. Access to the Strider has been lowered to Lieutenant and above. R&R Changes: General Updates: On-duty medics will now be visible on the map to other on-duty medics. APD Handbook Update - Chapter 13 Teargas is to used only when responding to one of the following: Federal Reserve Robbery Federal Prison Break Rebel Outpost Raid Gang Hideout Raid House Searches Terror/Riot Exception: Use of Teargas may be used in any non-listed circumstance when permission is given by an on-duty Sergeant or higher. Teargas protection is to be worn only when gas is being deployed.
  18. POTENTIAL Don't freak out if I don't have time to push it tonight, I am working late. >_>
  19. Blog post will likely come out tomorrow (11/19). Was planning on writing one today but didn't have time. Potential update push come tomorrow evening.
  20. APD/R&R Handbooks are readable again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      On mobile it just looks like a long list. The beginning is unreadable and you can't open categories anymore. http://s11.postimg.org/4dcjrf1oz/Screenshot_2015_11_18_11_11_58.png

    3. Odin


      For some unknown reason, spoilers aren't currently working so its just one big list.

    4. Sqwallify


      Plus the list like that it's your phone's fault happens to me now and again

  21. Much love from all of us, you know its there. Things won't be the same around here without you. Fly free Ham... fly free...
  22. Its been back bigger and better.
  23. That was AFTER. That was depressed drinking. Also because my face was cold and whiskey warms the soul.
  24. Oh god.... I was so drunk lol.
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