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Everything posted by HooDi

  1. Hey @ syndrome daily reminder that you're fat have no friends have no irl interactions and your mother doesn't love you keep grinding broski

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Revise


      the autism is strong with this one

    3. Pimpin


      Haha you guys are toxic on here man

    4. sym


      @ syndrome  is better than you @ arma


  2. Banned for being better than  Headless I cant man Ill teach you the arma 3 ways and if that doesn't work get good or get game banned like look @ Alistairr

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. HooDi


      @ HeadLESS @ Regal @ Zahzi Come on bulls why the shitty reactions its all in good fun slatts

    3. Regal
    4. HooDi


      Idk man just banned for being good and better than all the freak no life social rejects that play all day everyday falling asleep over it

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. HooDi


       Yeah na I remember that time the time before you peeked all the way over that time I got like ontop of spike and saw the like top left of ur dome piece poking over. But zahzi was saying I never gave pov for the kill on you I never got asked like that shit made no sense

    3. Xlax


      @ HooDi i never sent anything to zahzi so tbh idk how he would have that

    4. HooDi


      I was in discord earlier and someone said free me and it might have been silton with the name zahzi but they said I didnt have pov for either kill

  3. I can get behind the free Rise movement kids a walking AI thats funny to beef with in gangchat

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. crazed_


      jesus i really hit a nerve. put the keyboard away buddy arent you banned yourself yet still active on forums lol. return to building your arma reputation friend.

    3. HooDi


      Ive been banned for 2 days because I hit a 1k and got off to play another game and Im banned because I dont have POV relax

    4. crazed_


      you are more than addicted

  4. Congrats @ Doc doing good work Arma detective get all them stinky cheaters @ Alistairr @ Peterr

    1. Alistairr
    2. Peterr


      doc doesn't even deal with hackers mane 🤨

  5. Ayy 100 remove that shit I agree with monks all of SAPD is overweight and needs to quit they put in 4k hours riding in hatchbacks for their rank
  6. @ jig I'm so sorry man ;( heres my apology video 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Peterr


      jig is the skinniest man on oly, 120pounds.

    3. HooDi


      Yes Sinity/Ti/Prime/JeepGuild/SFA Jig you live rent free in my head please give me lessons

    4. Monks


      Fr tho how you 6'1 120 pounds like you weigh less than most females, but as a male.

  7. Bro what hes not banned
  8. Austin just beat the dogshit out of Bryce

  9. @ Fraali Free up the boy smholty for his birthday

  10. Congrats homie enjoy that
  11. Give me that bread
  12. and regal
  13. Noahs mod got to his head this time hes a dweeb now dead straight

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Iceman


      @HooDi Shut up pussy Noah has 10x the work ethic in his tiny cock than you do in your 400 pound body. 

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      @Iceman I'll have you know we don't call Noah "The Stallion" just because of his stamina ;D

    4. HooDi


      Na in all seriousness I don't give a fuck I just like fucking with people trying to get them upset its an arma ban Ill survive

  14. Why would you wanna rename the biggest city after an actual retard unless it's because Kavala is retarded and cancer like her
  15. s2 still opens after 5pm have at your runs
  16. HooDi

    Selling zafir

    Go down in price and some1 would probably buy its retarded though no way to take it onto server 3 so not a point
  17. Hahahaha yeah kids are cringy as fuck I believe that my alt f4 was completely deserved and should be allowed
  18. HooDi

    fav gun

    If you use anything other than a spar-17 don't talk to me
  19. Fuck sdar talk this shit is chill as hell
  20. HooDi

    Selling Gear

    Give me the zaf for free and deal
  21. SO both of you want to give me your money so I can play like even more of a retard and boost kiddies egos when I drop on them?
  22. $.99
  23. hes banned from every server aswell man its bad
  24. What Sometimes Never
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