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Everything posted by eknjack

  1. @Noble shut up you fucking retard
  2. cheese the saint, a 28 year old man sending valentines cards to 12 year olds nice, good shit cheese
  3. eknjack


    your probs gonna still log on every now and then to gamble lol
  4. its even better with his face cam man he always admires himself ahahah pretty sure i still have videos from when i played with Mong and them of cheese being a weirdo on face cam shits hilarious
  5. CHEESE MAN AHAHAH, bro the ammount of time cheese talks about the military, so many great quotes have come out of it
  6. eknjack


    16 on Sunday faggot
  7. eknjack


    im 15 lol
  8. fuck you @Mike Lit :((( we are no longer friends!!! 😠


  9. eknjack


    hes a fuckin idiot
  10. eknjack


  11. Happy bday @Mike Lit you whore

  12. Because Anzus better
  13. o7 mister harry potter, i hope you will enjoy being tortured by me over at anzus
  14. Stop using BT you fucking tool
  15. Hes a very angry Aussie
  16. And me retard
  17. Thought you were off to concentrate on school or some shit
  18. noooo not caloom clank Fuck does this mean I need to edit the TS channel again
  19. all really depends on what the teacher is like imo
  20. Lmao exactly what I did
  21. quitting for a bit, cya boys

    1. Rafa


      Enjoy the break! We’ll be awaiting your return 

    2. CaloomClark
  22. you are full of absolute shite
  23. eknjack


    cya man
  24. Hm for both?
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