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Everything posted by Lou

  1. Lou

    selling hawk

  2. Lou

    selling hawk

  3. Lou


  4. Lou

    buying envgs

    oh i have 5 not 6
  5. Lou

    buying envgs

    lol i dont have 8 theyre yours for 6
  6. Lou

    buying envgs

    8 mil
  7. Lou

    buying envgs

    ill do 5 mil @Kyle.
  8. Lou


    send me a link to your modpack
  9. Lou


    hmu when your tryna slaughter square or fuck another game up
  10. Lou

    WTS 400 wps

  11. i feel sorry for people like you, get a sack kid
  12. Why are you speaking to me?
  13. Fuck you nerdy
  14. Lou

    good job

    just get hacks and blow the server up when you see a hawk on cap
  15. Yo btw i was lying about @House hacking so you retards saying hes hitting insane shots must be horrible at this game. pretty funny that hes banned tho hahaha

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Billeh


      Wait house got banned cause you said he was cheating shit if thats the case @i chop hatchbacks is using betting scripts to pay for his college 

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      he's back 😞 

    4. House
  16. since when do i have to link my steam to see my shitty stats

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Millennium


      Its the new stats page

    3. Lou


      your weird trident rat @Ryan and @Kyle ill shit on your forhead retard  and @whoever made stats this way fuck your mother

    4. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      You can still use the old stats page...

  17. Lou

    o7 Boys

    o7 buckie you a real one
  18. Lou


    the boy veds being humble. hes too busy getting pussy to have time for you arma niggas, he aint sleeping she keep him up all night. +100 to you ved you a real one in some fake shit. Ill see you around homie o7
  19. i swear your going to old suggestion posts and getting ideas there. last i heard it wouldve been too much of a strain on the server for this to happen and secondly not all gangsheds have the space for a heli pad. would also make gangsheds a bit overpowered
  20. how would this add a new aspect to the game? and what effects would the personal use have? anyone can suggest an idea but for you to be taken seriously you need the numbers to go with it. The guy who made the toliet didnt just say "hey lets shit in bowls, not the streets!" he had to figure out all the plumbing that went along with it.
  21. nerdy a snake hoe
  22. i sum people complaining about the server up to mental retardation and boredom
  23. weak and not funny @Deathgrasp wore it better
  24. Lou


    @Ryan cunt
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