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  1. im better than everyone 🙂

    thats why they hate lmao

  2. I got banned recently, under just circumstances. It's okay now. I read a book about the history of the Ottoman Empire. I genuinely love Altis Life and sometimes you get hit by the book, but it happens. I had a great vacation but I hope you also had a good time grinding the ol; Lemnos. Farewell, and have a great night, gamers. See you around Altis. But I wont be here forever, we all expire with time. Best to enjoy the pleasures in life while we can. For those of you traveling to Lemnos this summer, hit me up! I'll be around.
  3. i love virtual numbers in the negatives, please feed me masters

    1. Louuu


      dude you need a hobby

  4. downvote me more i need mroe negative rep on the forums

    1. Clashingtin


      Please take a day off you need some rest 

  5. its funny how you have so much hatred that you change your name to mock me. 

    keep staying mad, retard

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quagon


      @clash hilarious lol, you wont know who is me.

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH


      I can promise you will not see me on arma 

    4. Quagon


      @ Quagon should go outside all love here bro, lets play hide n seek

  6. Hey buddy, I know being 15 is rough but olympus shouldnt be your only source of happiness and you should really take a break. Instead of trying to contest the ban you should go outside and do literally anything else instead.

    1. Quagon


      its -15F here, im good inside with my office job. 

    2. Quagon


      @ Venomm see you tonight after my unban

    3. Venomm
  7. suck my weiner, bitch boy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JoeL


      @ hawk  we can’t hear him over all the fun we’re having on Olympus entertainment the #1 Altis role play server!

    3. Quagon


      @Joel see you tonight olympus 🙂

    4. Quagon


      @ hawk see you on olympus tonight

  8. hey Zahzi, could you check my ban appeal ticket when you get the chance. I just want the chance to play the best altis life server again.

    i am sure i will be a donator to contribute to the success of the server. i really believe in that kind of advocacy but I was banned. can you please check my report? It would mean so much. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Clashingtin


      Stop posting and get off forums please 

    3. hawk


      You aren't getting unbanned just go outside man 🙏

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Oh my god look out!!! It’s daylight!!!!!!


  9. pleas reconsider your ban appeal. 

  10. turn down your annoying profile page music you autistic cunt

  11. could you please check my support request. it means a lot to me. 



  12. please check out my support request



    we can speak on discord on teamspeak. im asking for a little bit of mercy and consideration. please give me a chance before assuming

  13. I'll buy 2 MX and 2 Sting, let me know. @Caleb Snackbar
  14. Yes, Headless and Kamikaze, I am very throrougly informed of the rules and do not wish to break any more so I can be apart of Olympus. It seems you have some personal qualm against me for a reason that is unknown to me. The rules should be enforced through the official Olympus Guidelines and Rules; not personal feelings or opinions. You seem very hostile toward me and have been from the beginning when I have been cooperative and willing to make amends. 

    Also doesn't make you look any better to mob up on me with people who weren't invovled in the situation. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      What a sperg haha

    3. Quagon


      @Kamikaze That would actually be against the Olympus Guidelines and Rules, as you are acting through your own emotion in the terms of my ban. We already came to an agreement on a 14 day. If you choose to extend it, you're not only going against your word and lying; but you're also generally being extremely unfair for giving me a ban for such a minor offence that I have already waited over a week for. I would need to talk to a higher up staff member if you would like to escalate this; when it is already extremely unneccesary. I think you are just salty that I am exposing you for being unfair and rude. 

    4. Kamikaze


      Because I was acting through emotion is the only reason you aren't currently permed I gave you 1 last chance and you are taking it for granted. Sit out your punishment, if you don't like our ban system DONT BREAK RULES.

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