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Everything posted by Karma

  1. @ Bubbaloo Burrito  Happy birthday! Can't believe you're turning 52!

  2. @ WALT Idea credits @ King Of The Pond
  3. Congrats @ Rexo  @ Marcus   don't troll 

  4. Now this is actually just slander. I requested 300k for property damage, emotional damage and bounty.
  5. Yeah I don't know don't shoot me I just know how the rules are interpreted when it comes to killing people in restraints and how staff see it. Shame it's not written more clearly.
  6. If he didn't run towards the pill box I probably would've engaged him but whatever, I think the reason for the rule not being more clear is they don't want the rule list to be longer then it already is. "Misuse of suicide vests to kill restrained players or destroy vehicles for no reason may still result in administrative action." I get it's a little grey but that's where experience (and mind reading) comes in of knowing the grey areas regarding the rules, there's a slew of things in there that are rule breaks but aren't explicitly written
  7. I hate to tell you but the way the rule works is basically, you can't intentionally set off a suicide vest to kill players in restraints unless you are engaged upon while wearing the vest hence why I gave the order to not engage. I will not stand for this slander sov I thought someone such as yourself would know rules regarding explosives.
  8. Just use GeForce experience if you can instant replay has hardly given me any issues.
  9. Honestly, if we could put our brain cells together to function a voltron it's allowed (mission impossible.)
  10. Happy birthday @ GracieGirl  I'm so proud of the person you've become. 


    me n your mom made this funny gif heheHappy Birthday GIF by The Democrats

    1. CharlesDwitWit


      happy birthday @ GracieGirl  hope many more come 

    2. GracieGirl
  12. Karma

    WTB hawk

    Slut. Im telling lucien about this
  13. can i have my type back if im gonna get tapped in the head by a ASP at feds
  14. Mako just now infact hurt my feelings! He called me a cute little corporal dog #metoo
  15. I hate to say, that you are most likely a huge factor of why they talk like this you type too much and it kinda eggs them on.
  16. I mean, It's not really even insensitive. He even said "I don't want to offend." It's the internet things like this happen who cares someone asked for proof of death usually an article or something will pop up when a young guy dies. Not saying Goat is entirely correct in doing so because personally I don't need proof it is what it is. But realistically this post is really petty and seems to have a background of hate behind it.
  17. @ Caden  Gratz on dep chief! Well deserved 

    @ 23wade23 @ Jeber

    @ Nate  Good corporal picks! Congratulations on scroll wheel



  18. Karma


    Have you sold all types?
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